Chapter 2

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{𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘒𝘢𝘪𝘵𝘰 𝘔𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘵𝘢}

I eventually left the bathroom once the final bell rang. I walked through the halls quickly. I scurried to my dorm before I bumped into the purple haired boy again. "You again? Seriously, what the hell. Do you bump into people on purpose?" I snap at him. He looked at the ground and bowed, "I'm so sorry."

"Whats your name?" I glared down at him

"Ouma Kokichi." He looked up at me with those eyes again. Those pretty purple eyes seemed to stare endlessly up at me. "Momota Kaito." I mumbled.

"Are you new around here or something? I've never seen you around before." Ouma looked at the ground and mumbled something before speaking up again. "Yeah.. I am. I'm looking for my dorm room."

"I guess I can help you." I sighed. I didn't really want to, but I had nothing better to do. We wandered around for a while before we eventually found his room. It was about 3 doors down from mine.

"Here's your place." I turned on my heel and started to leave. "Thank you!" Ouma called out, waving goodbye. "Yeah, whatever." I scoffed and walked off to my room.

Once I got there, I took my shoes off by the door and tossed my bag not too far away. I was quick to hop into the shower. I scrubbed away the sweat and smoke smell from my body. My once spikey hair was now flat against my head. After about 20 minutes, I got out.

I grabbed the towel not too far away and gently dried my skin with it. I didn't take long to get changed into a galaxy printed shirt and black sweat pants. A little secret about me is that I loved space, and I really wanted to be an astronaut. But I would never achieve that dream. My record was too ruined, and I just never had the energy to wanna learn anything. Something as nerdy as space was definitely one of my guilty pleasures, but it's a fact about me that I'll take to my grave.

I plopped onto my bed and stared up at the ceiling. It was just a boring white. It was as boring as everything else in this world. I grabbed my phone and called up Saionji.

"What do you want, Momota?"

"I wanted to talk to you about this loser new kid."

"Hmm, go on."

"He's quite short, purple hair and eyes, total nervous reck."

"No way. Really? Some crybaby just fell into the palms of our hands!?"

"I wish I was joking."

Me and Saionji talked for a little while before she had to go.

"Ugh, Mioda-chan is totally blowing up my phone! She says she wants to hang out at the diner and have a double date with Ishimaru and Kuwata."

"Okay. Could I tag along with Amami if he agrees to go?"

"I'll ask Mioda."

After a few seconds of silence, Saionji spoke up again.

"She says, 'Hell yeah! The more friends, the better!'"

I smiled. I found Amami quite interesting. He was always so quiet, but there was a certain charm in his eyes that made me not wanna bully him. There was a part of me that hoped he would say yes to hanging out.

"Ok, Saionji, I'll let you start getting ready. Text me the details!"

"Got it!"

And with that, she hung up. I sighed as I got up from bed. Only an hour had passed since I got out of school. I didn't really want to go out anywhere, but I was just so bored. I stood up and went off to my closet to pick a casual outfit.

I typed out a quick text to Amami.

"Hey, Amami. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me and my friends."

I started getting dressed while waiting for a text back. 2 minutes after I finished getting dressed, I got a text back.

"That sounds great, Momota-san. Let me know where :)"

I stared at the text for about a minute before replying, I didn't want to seem too desperate to text back. I texted him the place and left my dorm. Oddly enough, I was pretty excited to hang out with my friends despite originally not wanting to go.

It was probably because I was going with Amami. We don't go out together much, so anytime I can hang out with him, I cherish it pretty hard. I'd never admit that, though.

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