Chapter 2

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I sit on my matte black Yamaha YZF-R1 waiting for my sister to come and tell whatever it is she so desperately needs to say when I see HER.

Hair white as snow, eyes a beautiful shade of Sapphire blue, skin tan and freckled contrasting with her eyes and hair, she's short and curvy in a way that makes my mouth fucking water. Those short shorts doing little to hide the curve of her plump ass and that tank top showing off get big round breast, I bite my lip knowing nobody can see my reaction to this stranger.

I have to know her

I have to make her mine

Whatever it fucking takes

I watch her climb up the stairs dragging along that suitcase and struggling with the box in her hands, she's visibly annoyed with whoever is on the phone to her but that scrunch of attitude on her face just makes her that much delicious. I can feel my cock tightening in my jeans just at the sheer sight of her

I am not a man to easily get turned on by strange women, most can't handle my style of fucking anyways. Most women run when they see the sheer masochist in me, not that I care about them enough for more than one night. They hate me for it and I admit I like having that much power enough to watch their soft little heart breaking through their eyes, I knew there was something wrong about me the moment I felt excited in tearing down all of their hopes with a single sentence "I've got what I wanted"

A dark smile forms on my lips, the excitement I have for this girl is something different. I don't want to hurt her, not mentally, no I want to watch her begging for me, begging for more. I want her on her knees

I want her to be entirely fucking mine

My red headed sister, last of my family standing, finally approaches me with her shy small friend Zola who has been attached to her since I can remember. Zola doesn't speak much around me, I know it's because she has seen what I look like underneath this helmet. I take pride in my looks, my sister and I are completely opposites in every way possible. Not only our personalities but the fact that where her hair is red mine is black and wavy, where her eyes are green mine are a whiskey shade of hazel, where her skin is fair mine is golden. But that's not what intimidates Zola and every other person out there. It's the three slashes scarred onto half of my face starting above my left eyebrow and on my cheek from a stupid fucking altercation with an asshole who tried to take advantage of my drunk sister. I may have walked away with a scar but he didn't walk away at all

"What do you need, Scarlett? I have shit to do" I huff, my voice muffled by the helmet I am still wearing despite the scorching heat "I need the beach house this weekend, I made a new friend and I want the three of us to have a girls weekend before the reality of College starts up again next week" Scarlett babbles, I blink so fucking slowly "you could've texted me that" I grunt annoyed "I haven't seen you in a week" Scarlett whispers, Zola takes a step back as if attempting to give us some sort of privacy "I have been fucking busy working my ass off to give you a good life, sister" I say, her eyes darken knowing exactly what I've been doing "have you found anything? About mum and dad?" She asks but I shake my head "I have been preoccupied with other business, one I should be taking care of right now. I'll have Reynolds drop off the keys for you sometime tomorrow" I say



"Please don't disappear like that again, Dom, it kills me when you do that"

I sigh, my sister is the only person in the world who can make me feel human emotions so I nod "I won't" I reply, Scarlett smiles and drags Zola away. I groan at the sheer stress this girl brings me but I know I would sell my own fucking soul to make her happy.

I look up towards the dorm windows, surprised when I see HER staring right at me and I stare right back. I can't see far enough to see her expression but the way shes staring I know she's feeling uneasy that I have caught her staring right at me. I am intrigued, I watch as she jumps disappearing from view and I take this as my cue to leave. I turn on my bike and speed off to track down my next kill

Name: Grayson Verbara
Crime: Rapist and thief
Method of killing: Dagger
Speed: Fast

That's exactly what I do, I get a file delivered to my office with a name, their crime and how it's meant to go down. Slow or fast, guns or daggers. I fell upon this job when hunting down the people who killed my parents. Broke into our house in the middle of the night, held the four of us hostage until my father gave up the password to his laptop and with it the empire he had built along his lifetime. Self-made billionaire, owner of one too many publishing agencies, author himself and father. He gave it up for us and they still killed them in cold blood, just as I will do to them. I have a lot planned out

Hold them hostage like they did us, used my daggers on each one of them over and over until they're begging me to kill them. I will not, obviously, what I will do is make sure that their deaths are as slow and painful as physically possible. I want to watch every fucking moment of life slowly draining away until Hell finally claims them as his.

I park in front of a very old dingy and disgusting apartment building. Guess this motherfuckers personality matches his lifestyle. I wait until the sun has set and night has settled. I lock up, add my alarm and walk inside looking for apartment 56A. All I have to do is complete my damn job matching the description, the rest of my people will do the fucking rest. I kill, they clean up. It's a perfect system. Some may say my part is the hardest, I say it's the most satisfying. I don't bother knocking on the door, I can already hear music blasting from the other side so I pick the lock and sneak inside. The idiot is doing line after line of coke all by himself, disgusting prick. He does a line and flops back against the couch looking up at the ceiling, eyes hazy and thick drool escaping the side of his mouth

"Hey man, if you're going to do that you could at least wipe your fucking mouth"

He snaps up, attempting to grab the gun on the table but he's too fucked to even fucking function. I unsheathed my dagger from the hidden holster underneath my jacket and with one precise throw, it lodges into his throat. I watch as he gurgles choking oh his own blood and falls onto the floor, I walk over removing my helmet, his eyes widen when they meet mine and I smile darkly at him "Say hi to the devil for me" I spit crouching down next to Grayson, he splutters, blood streaming from his mouth and neck as I pull my dagger from his neck wiping it on his shirt before sheathing it once again and just walking right out returning my helmet to my head

I call my right hand man, Nathan, through the Bluetooth on my headphones.


"Jobs done, just need some cleaning up. Send a crew. The person who sent the file wants the mess so don't discard him like usual"

"Done boss"

"Can you find my sister?"

"At this time? Its almost three in the morning"

"Nathan, did you hear me asking the fucking time or the location of my goddamn sister?" I practically growl

"My bad, Dom"

I can hear typing in the background, Nathan chuckles "She is at my old frat house at the freshers party"


I hang up, hop on my bike and speed through the night until I arrive at the frat house. SHE is stumbling out of the house arms linked with Scarlett and Zola, so drunk it's hilarious but somehow still looking graceful in that little black dress, a low hum of satisfaction escapes my lips at the look of her. Her dress so high up her thighs all it would take was one single movement, she looks my way, hair cascading over her shoulder. Her eyes widen ever so slightly before she's dragged into an Uber

My little sisters new friend huh, this has just gotten so much fucking easier

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