Chapter 5

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By some miracle, I did not wake up with a raging hangover but I did wake up with an itch I cannot bloody scratch. I find myself walking over to the balcony door as if hoping the mystery biker would be standing there like he was last night, obviously it isn't there and a hint of disappointment pangs in my chest. My phone vibrates

Unknown: disappointed that I'm not there, sweetheart?"

My eyes widen

Me: who's this?
Unknown: you know exactly who it is.
Me: who are you?
Unknown: you'll find out soon enough

I purse my lips, excitement and fear replacing that feeling of disappointment

Me: stop stalking me!
Unknown: I'm not stalking you, sweetheart. I'm observing you from a distance
Me: I'll call the police
Unknown: by the look of disappointment on your face when you looked out there balcony and didn't see me? I highly doubt that.

I ignore the last message and just get changed into my bikini before heading down the stairs to meet with Scarlett and Zola. They're also ready in their bikinis, eating from a pile of pancakes, Zola points to the extra plate with a smile. It's over loaded with berries and syrup, my mouth waters needing that extra glucose in my body, I sit and eat without saying anything. Meanwhile my phone is vibrating none stop on the counter next to me "Who's badgering you at 10 in the morning?" Scarlett complains "I don't know actually, it's a wrong number" I lie and she narrows her eyes at me "you are lying" she says "you are" Zola states without even looking up from her plate "who is it?" Scarlett asks, I sigh

"I think I might be getting followed"

They both look at me eyes wide "what?" They say in unison both clearly shocked "you're being followed? Is this why you asked me about the bikers?" Scarlett asks and I nod "I keep seeing him everywhere I go, it's crazy. He just sits there on his bike looking at me except for last Tuesday, the day after the party when I went to shower he was just standing at the end of the corridor" I say "and he didn't say anything?" Zola asks "no, he just stood there looking at me and then he left" I say "why haven't you called the police? This is some serious shit, Nessa" Scarlett's voices raises two pitches out of worry "because he's just there, he hasn't done anything. Look I'm new to America and I doubt I would be taken seriously. Plus two of those times I was drunk as shit" I admit "two? Did you see him yesterday?" Zola asks and I nod "he was here?" Scarlett asks "yeah, he just parked outside. I waved at him, he waved back at me. This morning he was gone and I don't even see tire marks out front. I half believe I imagined it but then he started messaging me" I say showing my phone

Unknown: I know you're getting excited just thinking about the next time you'll see me
Unknown: don't pretend you aren't seeing my messages sweetheart
Unknown: you looked fucking delicious last night

"What a creep" Scarlett says face scrunched in disgust "are you excited?" Zola asks curiously "Will you think I'm a freak if I do?" I ask "I will think you have read too many dark romance novels to think that this is exciting. You need to get a grip, don't text him back" Scarlett adds "I won't, I just. Knowing someone is obsessed enough about me that he's going through this much trouble to watch me is a little bit exciting" I admit, they smirk at me "you are dirty" Scarlett says amusement taken over her previous worry "I think I read too many books" I groan, Zola actually laughs at me "hey I get it. Six foot something biker, probably muscular and probably sexy stalking me down. I get it" she laughs again, I raise my eyebrow but nod at her that is exactly what it is

"Look I am kidding, I just. There's nothing I can do about this, he hasn't been threatening. He hasn't made a move. All he does is watch and now text me apparently" I grab my phone from Scarlett's hand "you are right, just be careful with this please" she says and nod "now can we lay our asses up on the sand out back and get drunk?" I ask "You know, that is a good idea" Zola adds "Zozo, can I ask why you don't drink usually?" I ask "I uh I had a bad experience with losing my shit at parties and not being able to know what exactly is going on. I mean when it's just the three of us I see no issue in it but drinking at house parties, it's too much of a uh risk. For everyone" Zola replies, I don't push her any further I know better than to do so. It's clearly a sensitive topic for her "then let's take advantage that we are not out with other people and get hammered once again" I smile jumping up from the stool

The girls follow me towards the back door leading to the stairs to the beach "crap I forgot my phone on the counter" I say turning around "want us to wait?" Scarlett asks "no go head, I'll catch up" I reply heading back towards the kitchen. Through the window I can see him

Standing by the window staring at me, he tilts his head the way he usually does but this time it seems more terrifying than curious. He lifts his phone and waves it at me, my own vibrates

Unknown: don't ignore me sweetheart
Me: or what?
Unknown: you don't want to know
Me: what do you want from me?
Unknown: oh I want a lot of things from you, you're just not ready for it yet

I look up at him, for the first time his visor is up revealing his supernaturally bright hazel eyes. My mouth parts slightly at the small part of him that he is revealing to me, and that small part is enough to take my breath away. I can only imagine what the rest of his face looks like, his thick eyebrows, a hint of a scar peaking through above it and just below his eye. He narrows his eyes slightly at me just before they crinkle, he is smiling at me

Me: what makes you think I'll want you?
Unknown: trust me, sweetheart, you'll be begging for more when I am done with you
Me: I'm not the obsessive type, darling.

I look up, he's clearly amused at my sudden sarcastic nickname

Unknown: you will be when I fuck you senseless
Me: I would never stoop so low, I can fuck guys who aren't fucking creeps
Unknown: touch another guy and you will be the last thing he sees
Me: are you threatening any future guy I might get with?
Unknown: I am giving you a warning, it is your choice whether or not you follow it. But know this. There will always me consequences

My blood chills, goosebumps erupting all over my body at the threat. I look up

He's gone

My phone buzzes

Unknown: don't worry, I'll be back

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