Chapter 3

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I wake up to the sound of Scarlett throwing up her damn guts in the bathroom "Scar?" I groan without getting up "I'm al-" Scarlett is cut off by her own violent retching "I told you that Death Mix was a terrible idea" I say my voice hoarse from screaming so much, I finally open my eyes to take a peak through the open bathroom door without actually getting up. Scarlett is sprawled on her knees, hair in a very knotty bun, hugging and burying her head in the toilet. I groan again "Jesus, we made terrible decisions last night" I say getting to my feet and walking to the mini fridge to grab some bottled water before going to the bathroom, Scarlett wipes her mouth and looks up at me as I offer the water. She attempts to smile for a second before she's retching again, I run a hand on her back softly as she pukes

The door opens "I fucking knew it, you always do this" Zola complains loudly, I peak out of the bathroom at Zola who is holding a bag of greasy McDonald's. My mouth instantly waters and I can tell that she knows too "Best hangover cure, greasy food. Come on Scar, I brought some medicine for you" Zola states putting the bag down on my desk, I walk over to it and she smiles "you are a mother hen" I joke "yeah well it comes with the no drinking thing, I'm surprised you're even standing right now. Death Mix is pure poison" she says, Scarlett almost literally drags herself out of the bathroom towards the bag of food "trust me, I'm on the brink of death, only thing I have going for me right now is the fact that drinking is more common than I like to admit" I shrug before devouring the box of chicken nuggets "so how was your first night here? Did you enjoy it?" Zola asks as she sits down on my bed, I join her

Scarlett is once again making a run to the toilet "Yes actually, I haven't been able to just party like that in years. Past three years have been nothing but hard, working my ass off to get here" I say "well you are here now, you're one of us" Scarlett exists the bathroom and sits on her bed staring at me, I smile at her. Truly smile

"I appreciate that more than you'll ever know"

"No friends in England?" Zola frowns but I just shrug "none that matter enough to stick through the distance" I reply reaching for the fries Zola offers me, she hands me a cup of ice cold Coca Cola and I practically moan in satisfaction "what about you two? Is it just you two?" I ask "it is went always" Scarlet says sadly "what happened?"

"We had another friend, Georgina, she got obsessed over my brother. He gives her an ounce of attention and she went fucking nuts, but Dominic isn't a person you date, he's not a guy that you even like" Scarlett explains "No, Dominic Ashford is the type of guy who fucks your brains out for one night and nothing more" Zola adds on not a hint of that shy girl from yesterday. I guess she's like that only around people who she just meets "is that so bad?" I joke wiggling my eyebrows, Zola laughs and Scarlett visibly cringes "oh God, disgusting. I would deny that if I hadn't had the unfortunate experience of living in the same house as me. That's exactly what it's like, but girls go crazy after it. Like they can't control themselves anyone and he's all they want" Scarlett shrugs "good dick is hard to come by" I joke and they both laugh hard at my intended pun

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Scarlett asks wiggling her eyebrows "I did, three months ago but he made me choose my dream career or him" I shrug "You're not bummed?" Zola asks "I was, we were together for three years but what's the point? If he can't support my dream he shouldn't be with me. Plus it was something I knew I wanted since I was fifteen, he thought it was a joke" I say "And you proved him wrong" Zola added and I nodded "It's not your loss, it's his" Scarlett says, she already looks a little bit better. More alive even 

"On a good note, I got the keys to my family's beach house for the weekend. Girls trip before shit hits the fan. You in?" Scarlett asks "Will there be alcohol?" I smirk "Also-fucking-lutely" Scarlett replies "Then I am sold. I need a shower so, I'm going to go" I say grabbing my bag of toiletries, towel, extra clothes and sliders before heading for the door. The corridors are empty, everyone either out enjoying the sun or suffering the consequences of last night's party, everyone except  the tall muscular man at the end of the corridor

That Biker

he looks so much bigger up close and when he's not sitting down attached to that damn motorbike. He's still wearing that black helmet but I know he's looking directly at me, but he doesn't move, not an inch. A stillness I can only describe as supernatural, that sinking feeling is back matching the thundering of my heart in my chest. It's almost like he just wanted to see me a little closer

I wasn't delirious when I saw him then,

I frown "Who are you?" I call out hands tightening on my bag trying to keep myself from shaking,  his head tilts to the side ever so slightly as if he didn't expect me to sound the way I do. I can feel him smiling under there. "Why have I seen you everywhere I go since yesterday?" I ask again, he straightens and turns around "Hey" I yell but he just keeps walking away from me. I don't move until I know he's gone and when I reach the communal showers I check every single cubicle to make sure the creep isn't in here with me. God fucking knows what this man is capable of and I am not willing to find out 

I have a very fast shower and practically run back to my dorm room where Scarlett and Zola are sleeping on either side of her bed. I drop my things and leave, I need an extra large coffee after that weird interaction. I take this time to call my mum 

"Hey mum"

"Hi darling, are you okay?"

"I am"

"Are you hungover?"

"Yes I am" I laugh 

"so you're enjoying yourself?"

"I am, I made some friends. Scarlett and Zola, Scarlett is my dorm mate and they took me out to this party they throw at the beginning of every year. It was crazy, very different but good"

"I'm happy to hear that, I was worried you were going to be lonely over there"

"Definitely not lonely, how are things there? Has Dad really moved out?"

"Yes, he had his heart set on it"

"Are you okay?"

"I have no other choice but to be darling"

"You're allowed to feel this mum, Dad left you for a young man, if I am fuming about this I can only imagine what you are feeling right now"

"I took some days off of work to process this whole thing"

I order a large Latte with an extra shot of coffee and a croissant and sit by the window of Starbucks "I'm glad you did mum I-"

I freeze when I see the familiar motorbike across the street, what the fuck? That's four times in two days. Who is this guy? This isn't fucking normal. Am I just being crazy? I don't know about motorbikes enough to be able to pinpoint this entirely on him, I'm in a new country, completely alone 


I shake my head "sorry, hi"

"What happened I was trying to get your attention for three minutes"

"I uh sorry mum, I've spilt some of my coffee on myself"

"I said I'm going to go, Janice is coming over later for some wine and I need to prepare some things"

"Okay mum, bye. I love you"

"I love you"

I put my phone down and keep my eyes on the biker across the road, something about him intrigues me.

Who are you?

And what do you want from me?

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