Chapter 4

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The rest of the week flies by, I see him every single day no matter what I am doing he is always there two steps behind me. I have to admit I'm starting to get a little freaked out by his presence, Scarlett and Zola don't seem to have noticed him at all. Today we go off to her beach house and I have to admit I am relieved to go to go somewhere more quiet just us girls "Why are you always looking out that window?" Scarlett asks climbing onto my bed with me and looking out trying to find what I'm looking at, he's not here today "nothing. There's a lot of bikers around here huh" I say taking my attention away from the window "yeah, from what I've seen so far there's always a douche on a bike" Scarlett replies "you seem like you know from experience" I say

"Yeah well my brother is a motorbike fanatic, he will pick that death machine anytime over a suitable car. Though I have to admit it's pretty exciting being on the back seat of a reckless biker"

"You've dated one?"

"I uh *chuckles* I had a secret fling with my brother's best friend a while back. It was the most exciting thing I have ever done. Sneaking around, late night rides, having sex under the stars"

"Why did you stop"

"He grew scared, knew that if we got caught he would be the one to pay the price. He's an older guy and my brother is very protective of men around me for uh many reasons which you'll find out eventually but. It just couldn't go on"

"Your brother is that bad?"

"He's got a decent heart, but he will stop at nothing to get what he wants. The only rules he follows are his very own"

"Sounds hot"

Scarlett rolls her eyes and shoves me a little "have you finished packing your things? Zola should be here any minute now, my brother dropped off my car" and as if on cue, Zola opens the door without knocking before joining us on the bed "so what are we looking at here?" She asks "bikers, apparently" Scarlett replies "why?" Zola asks with a frown on her face "I was curious, bikers aren't so common in london. I mean not like the ones here anyways. Mostly just delivery guys" I shrug "Let's go, I wanna be laying ass up in the sand" Scarlett adds jumping off of my bed and going to get her bag, we agree and grab our stuff before heading downstairs to where Scarlett's car is parked. I automatically sit in the back letting the girls take their usual seats at the front. Scarlett blasts out her playlist and we spend the entire 2 hours to her beach house screaming and singing the lyrics to the songs that echo through the car

Scarlett parks her car in front of a gorgeous White House with a rose garden out front, a cute little porch and a 360° balcony around the second floor of the house "Wow, this is really nice" I muse while getting out of the car. The house is basically secluded on its own little territory without another house by in around a mile or two. It's the perfect place to just relax "I've had my brother bring us a bunch of junk snacks, alcohol and sodas. I say since it's late we kick back with a horror movie and stuff our faces?" Scarlett suggests "I say hell yes" Zola replies, they turn to me "do you even have to ask?" I laugh following them towards the house. I stay in the last room, facing the side of the house with a view of both the sea and the front just depending where to look. I have a long shower, change into an oversized shirt and some yoga shorts before meeting the girls downstairs in the living room where they are wearing their own pjs

I smile plopping myself on the couch next to Zola who's already digging through a bag of sweet and salted popcorn "you want something truly scary or slasher?" Scarlett asks "slasher all the way" I reply "that's what I said" she replies "what's the point of not being shit scared through a horror movie?" Zola asks practically protesting "slasher is still scary" I shrug, she rolls hers eyes "you are not as shy and innocent as I thought, Zola" I say and she bats flirty eyes at me making me laugh "I have an idea" Scarlett says as she picks the horror category on the TV, we turn to look at her "we close our eyes and I'll start just scrolling through. Whoever yells stop first that's the movie no objections" Scarlett explains "good enough for me" I say and Zola agrees

Eyes closed we wait to hear her scrolling down



Zola beats me to it, we open our eyes and the movie picked is 'The Conjuring'. I smile, it's one of my favourite movies "amazing" I reply reaching forward for the bag of cheesy Cheetos on the coffee table "I took the liberty of making vodka slushies" Scarlett points to the pink cup with the curly straw, I smile grabbing the cup and taking a long sip, I hum in satisfaction of the perfect combination she has created and know for a fact this will get me drunk within three cups considering how Scarlett likes to make her cups "strong?" Scarlett asks "nope, it's perfect. You're really not having any Zola?" I ask and she narrows her eyes ever so slightly "you know what. One can't hurt"

Scarlet and I smirk at each other

An hour later we have somehow drank up a bottle of vodka, started on the second and we are currently dancing around the living room singing One Direction at the top of our lungs using whatever random object we found as our personal microphones. I'm currently on top of the kitchen island, Zola on the sofa and Scarlet on a chair she dragged in from the dinning room singing 'Rock Me'. I let down my hair from my bun swinging it around to the beat of the music while the girls howl in laughter, Scarlett jumps from her chair and runs towards the kitchen where I am to grab more slushies, we ditched the cups all together and are drinking straight from the damn blender. She takes a long sip before passing it to me, I do the same and she runs to Zola while I tumble my way towards the living room. We throw ourselves into the couch laughing, my stomach aches from it

I don't remember when was the last time I truly enjoyed life to this extent. I take a deep breath, eyes hazy and smile at the girls "I think I'm going to sleep, it is three in the morning" Zola practically stumbles over her own words, so it hasn't been an hour but four. Wow, I really lost track of reality there "yeah or we won't have strength for the beach tomorrow" I groan "I hate it when you're right, Zozo" Scarlett complains as she turns off the TV, the music with it. We stumble out way up the flight of stairs mumbling a drunken goodnight to each other before disappearing into our own rooms. Jesus I'm fucking wasted

I trip of the set of drawers and falling onto my knees laughing loudly "ARE YOU OKAY?" Scarlett yells "I'M OKAY" I yell back while struggling back to my feet, I walk up to the balcony doors and that's when I see him again. That familiar biker parked right out front, his head rises and he looks directly at me. I can just feel it, my heart skips a beat and a familiar throb sparks in between my legs confusing me entirely. I raise a hand in a soft wave and he waves back, head tilted clearly intrigued

Who are you?

And why am I getting excited knowing you are still following me wherever I go

I bite my lip softly wondering how he looks underneath that helmet, I know his body is fucking perfect. Adrenaline pumping through my body along with fear and excitement making me shamefully wet. I let out a breath

It's almost like I can feel him smiling


She stumbles towards the balcony doors clearly about to close the curtain when she spots me. She stares at me for a few seconds before waving. Did she just fucking wave at me? I tilt my head clearly amused at her bravery, I wave back at her. I know she's drunk, I've been watching the three of them drinking their assess off and singing to the corniest shit to exist in this fucking world. But watching her right now in those tiny shorts hidden under that huge T-shirt, she bites her lips and clenches her thighs slightly. Is she fucking horny right now?

I can feel my cock twitching in my jeans at the sight of her and I am seconds away from climbing up that balcony and fucking her until the entirety of LA heard her screaming my damn name. But I just smile

Leaving it all to my imagination

For now anyways

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