Chapter 1: A Crashed Star

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Artist: lipeartwork

I slowly feel my head snap up as the phone rings. I quickly reach and pick it up. "Hello?" I ask, feeling my voice rasp a bit. As the lady begins to ramble on, I feel myself go into autopilot, typing on the computer every so often, answering her where needed. I've done it a thousand times and probably will a thousand more- comes with being a website helpline employee. When the call finishes, I quickly hang up and look at my reflection in the window. My orange skin is clearly visible under the sun, with my light green eyes and orange hair only complimenting it. I feel my skin do it's usually itching as I feel the confines of the normal human office worker's suit close in on me. I quickly take a pill that helps with the itching and continue to drone on. Before I knew it, the Sun has set and it is time for me to pack up. I quickly grab the small bottle of water and the jacket I carry every day to work and make my way down the stairs. As I do, my footsteps echo down the stairwell.

I open the door to the back of the building and wind slaps at my face. I close my eyes for a moment at the sudden wind before gradually opening them. The alley road has nothing in it, with only potholes and cracks showing it's even used. It makes sense, since the last building owned by our parent company had a lot of deaths due to their alleyway being too cluttered for many to make a proper escape. I attempt to fly, and per usual, my body doesn't make it far off the ground. Didn't get enough Sun, which I primarily blame on management for not giving me the hours I want. I sigh and begin to walk toward the bustling city street.

Jump City looks beautiful this time of year, I think to myself. I look up into the sky, past the skyscrapers, to Tamaran. It is barely visible in Earth's sky, but it's just enough for me to make out. I smile softly as I follow the crowd down the sidewalk. The crisp air nips at me a bit and I shiver. Even after all these years, my body still misses your warmth, Tamaran.

I stop for a moment and turn towards the City Park. A small detour couldn't hurt, I ponder, walking towards it. The Park is full of Earth's nature- trees outlining it's perimeter, dirt paths, and plenty of grass. There were a few benches along the paths as well, most empty as no one was out this late into Autumn. I walk down one of the paths and take in the smell. The smell of the air, despite not changing much, was way better than the constant smell of the City.

My thoughts are cut short as a sound similar to a explosion is heard and I am flung by the shockwave. I hear the few people in the park a few hundred yards away yell and run, probably to call authorities. I shakily push myself up and look around. I see a dirt mound that didn't exist before a few feet to my right. I wobble over and peek, revealing this wasn't a mound, but a edge of a crater. After some more scanning, I see someone in the center and freeze. There's no way, I think to myself, quickly getting over the mound and limping to the body. Laying there, in all her beauty, is Princess Koriand'r. She seems to have barely changed since I last seen her. Her complexion, despite some scars, just as smooth and her hair just as upkept. I quickly shake my head. She just crashed here, I have to help her, I think to myself. I reach down and begin to drag her. As we finally get over the edge, I hear footsteps from behind me.

I look toward the sound and see- Superman!? Isn't he a long way from Metropolis, I think to myself. His eyes lock onto mine and I feel myself calm down a bit. It feels odd- Never met anyone with that kind of effect before. "I saw the crash from the Watchtower. I can take it from here." He says, slowly flying closer to pick her up. I feel myself get into a defensive position, which seems to throw him off. "I am not leaving her." I state simply. He takes a second before looking at me and her then giving a expression of realization. "You know her?" He asks, although I can tell he already assumes I do. "Yes. She is a- Close friend." I say quietly. He nods softly. "Can you both breathe in high altitude? I don't know your species." He states, looking around awkwardly. "We can survive space, yes." I say, looking back at her on my shoulder, worried. "Good. May I fly you both back to the Watchtower?" He asks. I hesitate but realize if anyone can help her, it's the Justice League. I nod quietly and he grabs me, quickly dashing into the sky.

Hang on Princess- I got you help...

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