There's a Man in the Woods

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There's a man in the woods.

His footsteps crunch the whitened dirt below him as he strides through the blackened trees while whistling a tune. Hands in his pockets, and his pure white eyes focused on what is in front of him. His white hair is swept back into a small ponytail, which bristles as the small breeze through the foliage.

The tune he whistles is sharp and eerie, reverberating off the trees. Soon enough, he comes upon a clearing.

Another man stands in the centre, staring directly at him. One eye a pale grey, the other an endless abyss. He only stands a little bit taller than him, but he cannot prevent the smallness he feels by sensing his aura. In the black trees gather white birds. They stare between the two, silent and tense.

"Well?" He says, expectant. His grey eye glows faintly from this distance.

He bows his head in acknowledgement. "Everything is in place."

A grin forms on the man's face. "Perfect."

"And what will you do in lieu of this?" He steps further into the clearing, not taking his eyes off of the man.

"What I intend to do. However, I require another task from you." He picks a leaf from a tree and watches it crumble into white dust in his fingers. "The Keeper will become a...hindrance to my plan, and I do not desire anything less than perfection. You are to act as you see fit."

Understanding lights up on his face. His white eyes almost brighten from the suggestion. He tilts his head, and two white hunting knives the lengths of his forearms form in his hands. "It would be a pleasure, father."

"Very well then. You will report back to me once the job is complete." His father gives him an intentional glance. "Do not fail me, Certus." 

And with that, a gust of wind nearly forces Certus to take a step back, and the man before him crumbles to sand.

Certus begins to wander through the woods with a new energy in his steps, resuming to whistling his tune. The doves screech from the trees and he chuckles.

It has been far too long since he has seen his Little Keeper.


Short chapter, but needed! Next chapter is going to be MUCH longer, coming soon! 

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