One Spark 🐿️

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Your boyfriend, Han Jisung is in a popular rap and music production group 3RACHA. Under the name J.ONE, he and his member reach there dream.

You are so proud of him and his members, you watched him gain his confidence for years and now seeing him living his dream makes you so happy. And part of the reason is about you.

Him and 3RACHA and preparing for a new release in a few months. But Jisung has had no idea of what to make. His members, Chan and Changbin have already finished there newly added solo songs for the album, all was left was him. But he is having a creative stump.

Seeing this going on for a while you decide to pay him a visit at the company to help get the creative juices flowing. You made sure to stop by a Cafè to grab him an iced Americano and a slice of cheesecake.

With all your goods you make your way to JYP treating the staff as you make your way to Chan's studio he was using. You knock on the door and hear a little "come in" you open the door to see Jisung slumped over the desk.

"Hannie" you say closing the door. "Oh baby your here" he lifts his head up and smiles. You smile back and then respond "yes and I brought goodies" holding up the bag and the Americano.

He smiles again as you hand him the bag and the drink "your the best" he says leaning in to kiss your cheek. You smile as you make yourself comfortable on the couch in the studio. "Baby can you help me!" He whines and spins to face you.

"You know I can't write music!" I laugh
"I know that but give me Inspiration" he says. You sigh and press your finger to you chin thinking. After a few minutes an idea pops up into your head "you haven't made an upbeat love song yet! How about that"

He sits up correctly as a look or suprise comes into his eyes. "You right" he says "and I think Chan hyung has an upbeat track I could use" he turns around logging into the computer in sec he's of the file on there shared drive.

"Here!" He says a plays it (a/n: Imogene it's One Spark by Twice! Ik 3RACHA didn't make it but I'm just imagine ☹️) After the track is over "I love it it's perfect!" You clap "but what should It be about? Like I know it's love but what about love?" He asks turning back to face you.

"How about like the early stages of an relationship and like how exiting it feels"
(a/n: that is my interpretation of the song don't attack me)

Jisung just nods his head and after a few minutes of silence he turns and starts jotting down lyrics.

-time skip: a few days later-

You chilling at home watching a show when you get a call. You grab your phone from the coffee table and see the caller ID being Jisung. You smile and answer the phone.

"Hello!" You start
"Baby! I have a request!" He says happily
You giggle "okay what is it?"
"I want you on the song!" His words widen your eyes. "M-me?" You stutter.
"Yes! Your voice would fit the song perfectly I know it! You don't have to do it by yourself I'm going to be in it cause it my song" he ends

"So? Will you?"
Your line in silent as your thinking. "Okay I'll be over soon" "yay! See you soon" and the song ends

-time skip at the studio after recording you parts-

Once finished you couldn't hide the blush that formed while you were recording at the words Jisung used to describe what it was like to be first be in love with you.

"Hannie I love the song so much" you say after listing to the full song along with his vocals "thank you!" He smiles holding your waist as you sit on his lap hugging him warmly. "Is that how you felt?" You ask as your snuggle your head into his neck.

"Yes and I still do" he says softly, again your face is red. You can feel the appreciation he has to have you in his life as his partner. And you feel the words yourself, it describes what it was like for you also. You both are lucky to have each other and have a way to document your shared feelings for all of time. And hopefully for others as well.


AHH MY FIRST JISUNG FIC! Ik it's late but stream "One Spark" by twice they are amazing. I also can't wait for the new album! The trailer was so amazing. Lino's coffee scene is amazing. Anyone else cringed at the sound effect of Hyunjin stepping on the Lego? Anyway I pre ordered the chic-chic/boom vr so I'm happy!

Q #2:  what was your fav scene from the comeback trailer?

A #2: mine was Lino's Coffee one of Hyunjin's Lego as I said before

Have a good rest of your Day, Afternoon, Night, or Evening.

⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡

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