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"I do not understand the issue, Your Grace." A maid followed the Duchess Ducois through the halls of their palace.

"You never seem to do, Charlotte," the Duchess mumbled underneath her breath, hoping her maid had not heard. "I need you to excel Lucy's education. She is our only child, and when she moves to London for the marriage mart, I will not be embarrassed and watch as some other debutante is named the diamond of the season." 

"But Miss Ducois is merely six!" Charlotte was shocked. 

"You are right. It is too late. I should have taken her education into my own hands as soon as I could. Do you think we could sneak her into Eton? Oxford? Oh, but only the boys can go..." The Duchess began to pace faster, stress creasing her forehead. 

"Miss, I hope not to overstep, but I think you are a little stressed-" Charlotte was quickly cutoff by the Duchess's shriek when she entered the nursery.

"Lucy! What are you doing?" Young Lucy Ducois had taken her paints and spread it all throughout the perfectly pink nursery. The walls, her dress, and even Lucy's perfectly blonde hair was covered in purples and blues. "Charlotte." The duchess waved her fingers expectantly. Charlotte picked up the child, trying not to get paint all over her. "Deal with this, and enact my plan immediately." 

When the Duchess left the room with haste, Charlotte turned to Lucy. "Oh, how I pity you, Miss Ducois." 

All Lucy could do was respond with a giggle. 


Lucy had grown up to be quite a remarkable lady. She could never receive the same education that men received, but she liked to think that her maids provided her with something of similar value. There was Charlotte, who spent most of her time discussing Lucy's advancement with her parents, but most of all, Charlotte loved history and math. Charlotte brought books from libraries and schools, each consisting of new information. There was Sarah, who taught Lucy everything else, and didn't seem to enjoy tutoring the same girl from ages 6 to 17. Lastly, Jane. Jane was responsible for teaching Lucy proper manners. Every imperfection was pointed out and ridiculed, and no matter how much Lucy tried to be perfect, Jane was never satisfied. Lucy loved to debate with Jane that no matter how many fake luncheons she hosted, it would never be as much as a learning experience as hosting her own. Once Jane sensed she was losing the argument, she would point out that it was unladylike to debate.

It was on her 17th birthday that she received the greatest gift from her parents. They informed her that she would be joining the marriage mart, and that she was to leave the same day for London. 

"But what about packing dresses? I will not have time if I wan to leave today." Lucy pointed out.

"Silly girl, what have they been teaching you. I will not be embarrassed by you wearing the same dresses at different balls. I will not even risk that. We have a beautiful, brand new wardrobe waiting for you at your home." Her mother smiled, but her father just stared with a blank expression. Lucy was almost hurt by this. It was her success that would provide the future of the Ducois line. 

"My house? Are you not joining me in London?" Lucy questioned. She could not imagine spending her first season out in the marriage mart.

"Lucy, we prefer to be here, not promenading in the dirty streets of Grosvenor Square. We have made arrangements with the Viscount and Viscountess Bridgerton to present you to the Queen." Lucy felt there was another reason they wished not to go to London, but she decided to prod no further. Her parents stood up from their table and walked away. "Be prepared to leave in one hour."

One hour later, Lucy sat in her carriage as her maids loaded her luggage. Even though she was told not to pack a wardrobe, she still had a thousand things to pack still. She would live in the Ducois House for all of spring and hopefully marry her first season, so she could return to her home with a wedding to plan. 

As the horses trotted along the hills, she looked out her window. It was dreadfully silent. That was what Lucy had always hated. Silence. She always needed someone to talk to. Even if they didn't want to talk to her. Hopefully the bustling life of London would take away the pain of the silence. 

Two days passed, and finally, her carriage pulled up in on quite the handsome family awaiting her. This must be the Bridgerton's, or at least the viscounts family. Along with the viscount and viscountess, sat a 15-year old boy, a 13-year old boy, and a 8-year old girl. Her maid opened her door, and immediately the little girl came sprinting towards Lucy. Lucy was more than shocked, as she had never met any of these people. 

"Hello! Hello!  My name is Charlotte, what's yours? You are so pretty. I wish I could be as pretty as her. Right, mama?" Little Charlotte was ecstatic. Lady Bridgerton stepped forward and separated the two girls. Lucy hadn't even noticed, but Lady Bridgerton was pregnant. Four children must have been such a blessing. Sometimes Lucy wished she had siblings.

"My apologies, Miss Ducois. Sometimes Charlotte cannot control her energy. Might I introduce you to the rest of my family?" Lady Bridgerton offered.

"I would be honored." Lucy said. 

"I must insist that you call my husband and me by our given names. My name is Kate, and this is my husband Anthony," Kate gestured towards the tallest man, the viscount. "These are my children. Obviously you have met Charlotte, but this is my eldest, Edmund, and his younger brother Miles." Lucy had been so wrapped up with Charlotte, she hadn't even noticed the gaze she had been receiving from the two boys.

"I am delighted to make your acquaintance." She smiled at both of them, and Edmunds cheeks flooded with the color red. "Shall we head inside well my maids set up Ducois house?" 

"Sounds like a splendid idea, Miss Ducois." Anthony said, as he rushed in. Kate stayed behind the boys and whispered in their ears.

"She is much too old for you two." Kate walked off. 

"Doesn't mean I wouldn't want to be with her unchaperoned." Edmund said slyly. Miles gasped and playfully punched his brother's shoulder and ran off. Edmund quickly chased after his brother into their grand home.

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