Chapter 1

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If there was one moment that defines the life of a young debutante, it is her presentation to the Queen. This was what Lucy feared the most. She could not be a diamond if the Queen did not deem her so.

When Lucy arrived at Ducois House, she was met with extensive staff, stunning architecture and a beautiful wardrobe. Dozens upon dozens of dresses, ranging from pale lilacs to bright reds.

"All of this is for me?" Lucy asked her staff, her breath taken away. London seemed to be a perfect city. Why did her parents not desire to come? The Bridgertons were beyond kind, especially the viscountess, the city streets were filled with chatter, and every one seemed to keep a watchful eye on you. It wasn't out of care, I f there was one thing Lucy knew about London, it was that they loved hot gossip. And she was the hottest.

Her maids immediately began preparation for her presentation when she woke up. It would be at 1:00, but the viscountess wished for the both of them to be at the palace by 12:00. Lucy had woken up at 6 just to have powders and blushes thrown into her face. Her golden blonde hair was pulled up into an ornate bun. A thin, simple tiara was placed on her head. It would be overshadowed by the ridiculously large feather that society deemed to be the best accessory for a debutante. Her jewelry was simple and small, but her dress was the real statement. It was white, with golden details. There was a long white train that followed her every where she went. It was custom for the new-coming debutantes to wear this dress, and so when Lucy stepped out of her house to get into the carriage to meet the Viscountess, she saw tons of young girls bustling about, chatting and gossiping in the same dresses. And yet, despite the clamor of the street, everyone seemed to be quietly stunned when Lucy stepped outside.

She was only outside for about ten seconds, but it was enough for the ton to get a good look at her. First impressions are everything, and today wasn't just the Queen's first impression of Lucy Ducois, it was the worlds. Lucy made sure her posture was perfect and her diction clear. It was a short ride to the Bridgerton home, where she would have a short meal with Lady Bridgerton.

As she stepped inside the drawing room of the Bridgertons, she felt a congenial welcome from the viscountess. "Welcome, Miss Ducois!" The viscountess did a small cond of her head. "You look stunning! I am beyond excited to introduce you to the Queen. Here, have a seat with me."

"Thank you, Lady Bridgerton." Lucy said, taking a seat on a pale blue lounger. Kate tsked.

"Did I not tell you to use my given name?" The viscountess said expectantly.

"Yes, I know, Lady Bridgerton, but I felt it most improper, especially since you will be presenting me to the Queen, I am to look at you as a role model and figure of authority." Lucy said.

"If you wish so." Lady Bridgerton said. She paused for a second. "You do look stunning, dear. You remind me of my sister-in-law, Daphne. I had not met the Bridegertons at the time when she debuted, but she married a duke, as well. Do you know the Duke and Duchess of Hastings?"

"I have heard of the Duke and his Duchess, but have not received the chance to meet them. I have heard great stories of not only their governing, but how amazing of a love match."

"Do you wish to have one for yourself?" The viscountess asked.

"Have a love match? Who would not wish for one? But they are so rare. I can only hope to be great friends with my partner, and even that is ambitious." The viscountess only offered a gentle smile after what Lucy had said. "I suppose what I am looking for is a scholar, one who is handsome, but I guess most debutantes want a handsome man." Lucy added on.

"My sister wanted a scholar," the viscountess said softly, standing up and walking over to a large painting of her and her husband. "She wanted to marry my husband, but he and I found that we shared more with each other than he and her. People say us Bridgertons prioritize love matches, however we confuse love with lust, but I think the truth is-," The viscountess paused to take in the moment, "The truth is that it is often difficult to admit that you love someone. I hope you take this advice with you into the marriage mart." Lucy was breathless.

"Excuse me, my lady, but it is time to head to the palace." A maid entered the room to deliver the news.

"Yes. Well, we must get going, shouldn't we?" The viscountess said, gesturing to leave.

"We shall," Lucy said, abruptly standing up. As they left, Lucy grabbed Lady Bridgerton's arm. "Thank you. For the advice."

"There is no thank you necessary, Miss Ducois. It is merely advice I wished I had when I entered the marriage mart." Lady Bridgerton smiled brightly.


The time had come for her presentation. Lucy had never been more anxious in her life. This would define her season. If she wasn't the diamond, would she marry her first season? If she wasn't the diamond, would she only get the worst men of the ton? If she wasn't the diamond, would she be a failure?

She did her best to shake off her fears as she could hear her name being called out by the servants.

"Miss Lucy Ducois, daughter of the Duke and Duchess Ducois, presented by the Right Honorable Viscountess Bridgerton." The servant shouted out. Two men swung open the grand doors, revealing Lucy and Lady Bridgerton. It was certainly a sight to see. An aisle stretched across the room, and at the very end, the Queen sat on a perch. The Queen's presence was loud and commanding, but the Queen herself was silent and judging. It was difficult to make the first step across the aisle, but everything else seemed so easy. She walked daintily but with strength, she bowed with respect and power.

And the Queen noticed her.

The Queen noticed her.

This was what Lucy had been dreaming of this moment. The Queen stood up. She walked towards her. Every moment seemed to last an eternity. The Queen took Lucy's jaw in her hand and gently raised it to look at her.

"The daughter of the Duke and Duchess Ducois?" The Queen asked.

"Yes, your Majesty." Lucy said.

"They have done well, Miss Ducois. You shall be the diamond of the season." Her soul felt lifted from her body. She felt ecstatic. Everything she ever wanted would come true. Despite being overjoyed, Lucy made sure to keep her stature composed. As she left the room, she felt almost like screaming.

"You have done well, Miss Ducois." Lady Bridgerton said, her smile bright.

"Thank you. I look forward to spending my season with you." Lucy responded. Now, it was time to prepare for the first ball, and as the diamond of the season of 1830, she had to be the best and have the best.

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