Chapter 3

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Lucy had joined the Bridgertons for an outing at Hyde Park. Lord Bridgerton had set up a covering, with 6 chairs and little outdoor games. He said that this reminded him of when he was a boy and played games with his family at the park.

Charlotte and Miles were playing a ring toss game, but every one else was sitting under the cover, hiding from the sun.

"Oh, she had so many callers, Anthony. It was astonishing. She has already secured a proposal from the most desirable match of the season."

"Oh, yes. And which man is to be the most desired of the hungry mamas?" Lord Bridgerton asked.

"Careful with your tongue, Anthony, I am one of those hungry mamas this season. However, it is the marquess Tacy." Anthony turned pale and nearly spit out his drink.

"The marquess Tacy? Surely you are aware of his reputation?"

"Yes, Lord Bridgerton, your son Edmund has already informed me of his thoughts on the marquesses behavior." Lucy said, taking a sip of her tea.

"Oh, but Edmund does not know the half of it."

"Please let us discuss this elsewhere, Anthony." Lady Bridgerton said urgently.

"No, we shall discuss this here. We promised the Duke and Duchess that we would protect her. Lucy," he turned towards her. "He is not the man you believe him to be. He has committed unspeakable acts to respectable debutantes and to say he is clingy would be an understatement. I warn you not to even be seen near him. No, no I prohibit you from being near him."

"He is the most desirable match of the season. Surely he cannot be that horrid. He has already proposed to me, and is the only man to have proposed to me so far. Suitors are not what matters, it is the proposals." Lucy retorted. "And you haven't even attended a single ball or stayed with me in my drawing room. You cannot make decisions about my life if you are not in it."

That was clearly the wrong thing to say, as Lord Bridgerton was steaming.

"Miss Ducois, I have done this a dozen times and I have promised your father that I will protect you like one of my own. This is how I protect you. Stay away from that man!" People turned to stare at the two with the last sentence. Lucy looked hopelessly at Lady Bridgerton, but her head was turned down, mindlessly staring at the tea cup she held in her hand. 

Lucy would have stood up and stormed away, but that is when a devilishly handsome man came galloping through the park on a mighty steed.

In fact, he was riding rather fast. Towards them. 

Oh no.

"Duck!" The man shouted at the top of his lungs. The horse was wild and out of control. It started bucking as it reached the green space, leaving the trail. 

Miles and Charlotte were already long gone, having seen the man much earlier than them. Lord Bridgerton had taken his wife's hand and was running away, but Lucy stood frozen in shock.

"Run, Lucy, run!" She could hear Edmund screaming at her, but she was to caught up in the moment to do anything but stare blankly at the horse headed straight for her. The last thing she felt was a jab in the stomach as she flew across the green space.

But she wasn't hit by the horse. 

Edmund had jumped and pushed him and her out of the horse's path. She didn't even care that she would be bruised for the balk tomorrow. Edmund had saved her. When she was incapable of doing so herself, instead of running like the rest of his family, he had pushed her out of the way. Heavens, they had only know each other for less than a week, and he did as he would for his sister.

"My apologies, I must have ruined your dress." Edmund said. He stood up, and offered her a hand.

"It is no matter. I have dozens of others. But you saved me. How heroic, Edmund."

"I would have done the same for Charlotte or Lady Bridgerton." 

"Yes, but they are your family."

"Like my father said. We will protect you like you are one of our own." Edmund walked away towards the rest of his family. He had a nasty habit of doing so when she needed more from the conversation. Lucy's attention turned toward the man who had rode the horse. It had calmed down, and he had hopped off, running in their direction to say apologies.

As he approached he began to look more and more familiar.

"My dearest apologies! I did not mean for my horse to take off. How much do I owe you for the damages."

Lord Bridgerton began to say something, but the viscountess cut him off.

"You owe us nothing, fine sir. No harm, no foul. And it was not even you who lost control, it was your steed." Everyone gave Lady Bridgerton a sour expression. It was clear that several people were harmed. 

"Excuse me, sir what is your name?" Lord Bridgerton asked. 

"My name? Oh yes, my name. It is Owen Lowry, pleasure to meet you." That is where she knew him from! Yes, Owen Lowry was his name, but his official title was Prince Owen Lowry of the Netherlands. It was clear Lucy was not the only one who knew of Owen Lowry.

"Owen Lowry? Like the Prince from the Netherlands?" Miles asked. His family looked around, and each took a bow.

"Oh, please, do not. I do not wish for anyone to know I am here yet. Not until my next ball. My mother has sent me here in search of a bride, and I hope I find one fast enough, to get out of this dreadful city. No offense, the people are lovely. However a bit gossipy." He mumbled the last part. 

"My name is Viscountess Kate Bridgerton, this is my husband, Anthony, these are my kids, Edmund, Miles and Charlotte. Finally, this is the girl we promised to look after in her first season as a debutante. This is Miss Lucy Ducois. Do you know her parents, the Duke and Duchess Ducois?" It was clear what Lady Bridgerton was trying to do. If she was to marry a higher position, she only had one place to go, and that was to marry a prince. Lady Bridgerton was hoping that Lucy would be Owen Lowry's fast fiancée. 

"I have met the Duke and Duchess Ducois before, yes. I was not aware they had such a charming daughter, however." The prince's eyes scanned every inch of her.

"Thank you, your royal highness." Lucy bowed her head. 

"Miss Ducois was named diamond of the season for a reason. There is no more suitable a match." Lucy shot Lady Bridgerton a look that begged her to stop. 

"I see, Lady Bridgerton. I look forward to my next ball, knowing that you will attend." The Prince nodded his head, and the rest of the family bowed as he walked away. 

"That was most embarrassing, Lady Bridgerton. Especially in front of your entire family." Lucy said, her face flushed.

"Well, if you want a good match, this is how you get it. And with the Prince in town, the marquess is no longer the best match for you. You need not worry yourself with Lord Tacy ever again. 

Lucy sighed. "I suppose you are correct, Lady Bridgerton." Why did she feel remorseful? Lord Tacy was stupidly in love, and she did not share his feelings. Perhaps there was someone else, but all Lucy wanted was a friend she could marry, and she wasn't sure the Prince, with his analytical stare and clumsy nature, would fulfill that dream of hers. 

But then, who would?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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