'Oops..' (!Object)

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It was a cold afternoon. The bfb contestants were enjoying the time between challenges. Tree was sitting on a bench, feeling the breeze in his branches. Black hole was nearby, but not too close.

"Um, So, What's up?" Black hole said

He was monotone like always..

"It was alright, Not as much death as yesterday." Tree replied

(hehe tree british)

"Alright, Uh, Remote, how many deaths have we prevented?"

"3762," Remote said Remotely.

Suddenly, PINEAPPLES. 

Black hole manages to suck them up pretty quickly, Tree is relieved, Remote is... 



Tree was thinking about confessing to Black hole, Black hole probably wouldn't take it well...

"Bye Guys." Remote said while walking away.

Remote just kinda left.

It was just Tree

And Black hole


"Hey, what if one of your friends happened to, like you, how would you feel?" Tree nervously basically just spat out

"Well, If my friend didn't like me the-" Black hole got cut off by Tree.

"No I mean.. like you?"

"Oh.. well, It depends I guess." Black hole said nonchalantly

"Uhm, Alright. Well, If that friend happened to be me, then how would you feel?" Tree said

"I... don't know" Black hole said nervously, well, compared to his usual monotone voice..

"Are you okay Black hole?" Tree said

"Uh.. I have to go somewhere..." 

Black hole flew up and left.

The next day's break was basically just the same, breeze pattern and all. Tree was sitting at the bench alone, thinking about how Black hole acted yesterday. Black hole flew over to Tree's right.

"Um, Tree, I need to tell you something."

"Oh, What is it Black hole? You seem uncharacteristically nervous."

"I'm a femb-"


"I'm... I.. Uh.. I think I like you..?"

Tree was flustered

"B-Black hole.. I-"

Tree was silent for like a full minute or sum

"I like you too..." Tree said

Black hole flew closer to Tree to give him a little 💋, forgetting about his sucking ability, and accidentally sucking up Tree

"Oh no!" Black hole said

Remote saw Black hole but didn't hear him, and went up to him.

"Black hole, you Just killed Tree!"

"Oops.." Black hole Said

Black hole got that awkward monotone space rizz.⚫🌌💘

Tree x Blackhole (Satire Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now