'The conclusion is you both are 🏳‍🌈✨GAY!✨🏳‍🌈' (!Human) [PART 1]

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It wasn't a challenge day, Snowball was being a real pain in the bootay, and Golfball was doing a personality test on Tree and Black hole in her bunker... YAYYY... MMM MM, YES.


"How long is this, um, test. and what is it for." Black hole said

"Well, this test is approximately 1.5683281323183 minutes long! For short though it is 7 questions."

"Good to know, why do we have to take this test?" Tree said, annoyed.

"I Have picked up suspicious behavior from you two! so you need to take the test! I don't care if you're not on my team, I must do this for ALL the contestants!" Golfball screamed

"Sheesh, Okay." Tree replied 

"Now, Are you currently 𝓪𝓽𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓮𝓭😏 to any of the contestants!"

"Yeah" Black hole nonchalantly said

"I mean, Yes" Tree said shortly after.

"Are you British?" Golf ball says

"Uh, No." 


(hehe tree go brrrriii--iiisssshhhh)   

"Do you ever wear nail polish?!"  

"Yes. Sometimes." (My Satire purpose au they wear it😆)


3 Questions later

"Now, You're done."

"What's our result?" Tree said

"The conclusion is you both are gay!"

"Expected." Black hole said

Black hole and Tree left and then.. went to sit under a tree??

The to the End

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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