19| A fight that changed everything

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-Angst but with happy ending
-No smut and not mentioning
-Might be cringe sorry

[i just read back my first chapter i ever write and its awfully cringe💀]


Kai's POV:

I was bored. My phone's battery was low and i couldn't watch it anymore. I realised that i have a boyfriend. I should ask him on a date.

I got out of my room. "COLEEEEEEE!!!!!!" I yelled. I saw him in the couch and i jumped on his lap. "You need something firefly?" He asked and i hugged him

Cole's POV:

"Can we go on a date? Im bored." He laughed and chuckled at me. I looked nervous. "W-we c-can't go today. I have some thing i need to do..." i said and He smiled softly. "O-okay then. If you say so." He hugged me tightly.

"What is the thing you need to do btw?" I shocked. I couldn't tell him... "Well. Its a secret." I put a fake smile on my face. "Secret? Okay. I believe you honey." He kissed my cheeks and he went to the kitchen.

Im so nervous... i can't tell him this... not yet... I went to the kitchen too cause i was hungry. When i entered i saw that Kai ate my cake.

"Kai?" He looked up. "S-sorry honey. But its so delicious." I just can't be mad at this cutie potato. "I-its okay. Just next time ask me." He smiled. "Okay!" He continued eating the cake.

I sat besides him and i just watched that beautiful face of him. There was some cake in him. "Wait. Let me help you." I helped him and we looked at each other.

"Your eyes are so beautiful Cole." I blushed and we kissed. He sat on my lap. I loved kissing him. We pulled away. "Thank you firefly." I hugged him and he hugged me back.

"I love you Cole." I smiled. "I love you too Kai." I pulled back from the hug and i kissed his forhead. "I need to go now. Bye baby." I said and i put a soft kiss on his lips. "Bye mi amor." He kissed me again.

We pulled away and i went to Ninjago city.

3 hours later

It was really late now. I looked at my phone and it said 8:56pm. I went inside the monastery and saw that Jay and Lloyd played prime empire.

"Cole? Where have you been all day?" My bestfriend asked me. "I was in the city to do some things... im gonna go to bed now. Goodnight."

They looked at me confused but they looked back to the TV. I went to my room but when i opened it i was confused. My boyfriend sat on my bed and watched his phone.

"Babe? What are you doing in my room at this hour?" He looked tired. "I wanted to sleep with you. If that's a problem, i can leave, if you want." He wanted to walk away but i grabbed his hands.

"Don't go back to your room. I want to sleep with you because i love you." He smiled and hugged me. "Thank you Cole." I picked him up and placed him on my bed.

"So since when you're waiting for m-" i looked him but he fell asleep. He is so beautiful. "I love you Kai." I kissed his forhead and he smiled.

I loved the smile of his. It was really calming. I went to the bathroom to shower and i went back to my bed. I drank some water what was in my nightstand, and i looked at my phone.

I set the alarm with a sound that he can't hear. When do i get up, lets see. At 6 o'clock. I have to go again because of the secret. "Goodnight love." I kissed his forhead again and i fell asleep with him.

In the morning i wake up and i immedeatly turned the alarm off. I didn't want him to wake up. I got my clothes on, and i went to the kitchen.

When i arrived i saw that Zane and Nya were already there. "Good morning guys!" I said to them and Zane looked at me. "Good morning my friend. How did you sleep?" I sat besides Nya on the table.

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