01. I never forgot.

52 2 7

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Punching the clock to shut it up, most likely in kind words, to turn it off, I rubbed my eyes aggressively. Not wanting to get up, I snuggled in the comfort of my bed, finding complete solace there. Not until my lovely, older, hamster-ish brother decides to ruin it for her. “WAKE UP MY PRETTY SISTER!” Wait, is he calling ME the pretty sister? Did he hit his head or something?  I looked at him with widened eyes, “What?” Hoshi looked at me with a frown, Both of the Kwon siblings in confusion, “Oh! Got it, Actually your bestfriend is downstairs so…” he trailed off, scratching the back of his neck. Fuck, how could I forget? He’s the great horanghae master, my brother, Kwon Hoshi. “I’ll freshen up, and you,” the man leaving, turned to the younger nervously, “Don’t you get too close to her or i’ll snap your neck, Kwon.” I threatened the older who just sent me a salute, running off, probably to his room.

Washing my face, as I sighed. It’s been 6 months without you already, huh? It’s June 20, the day he left me without a clear explanation. “What a jerk.” I heard a knock on my door just as I wiped my face with my towel, opening the door. “WHY DID YOU TAKE SO LONG? I thought you were dead!” Yunjin exclaimed, gasping for air, ah yeah, my bestest bestfriend who I adore the most. “Sorry, I was thinking about something.” I stuck out my tongue, mumbling an apology, “It’s about him again, isn’t it?” she sighed, hugging me, “He doesn’t deserve such a lovely person like you, Kwon. I’m here for you.” she looked me in the eye while I smiled at her, “ah, look, you got your clothes wet.” I pouted at Yunjin, brushing the water droplets visible on her jacket, “Don’t worry about that, we should go and hangout just as we planned.” Yunjin excitedly yelled, dragging me with her downstairs.

“Hi there again Yunjin and my little Kwon.” Hoshi looked at the both of us, munching on his chips as he scrolled through Netflix for what to watch, “Hi oppa.” the foreign word leaving my mouth left him in shock as he looked left and right and then pointed at himself, “me?” “yes you, who else is my brother?” I clicked my tongue in annoyance as he turned his hand into a peace/victory sign, loving that I, for once, called him lovingly. “Your breakfast is ready, go and have it.” Hoshi pointed at the kitchen counter while we both nodded, “Let’s goo!” I ran with Yunjin, thank God we didn’t slip on the way there.

— 2:29PM, Afternoon.

Letting Yunjin dragging me where ever the fuck she wanted to, I opened my messenger to check if any notifications were there while she was shopping.

Kwon Hoshit has sent you 5+ messages.

hi little dumb Kwon
just wanted to tell u that
it’s a house party btw don’t get excited
• So u better be here at 5 or 6 pm okay?
• love u 🐯♥️

Little dumb Kwon changed Kwon Hoshit’s name to Older and dumber Kwon. Click to change again.

This is what u get by the way :> •

You’re coming back home anyways, I’ll beat your ass.


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