Too Many Losers - Rogerina

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Dear Diary,

I cannot stand another minute at my school!!! After my last year of primary, my mum thought it would be a good idea to, "enroll you at Cecil High! It's got an amazing music and per arts section!" Well, she had been completely lied too!! Everything here SUCKS! It's so bad, it's making me want to quit drums all together. Roger (my twin brother) always gets the praise for his drum skills anyways. That's what you get when your twin has the exact same bloody talent as you! But it's ok cause I've got a back up plan. I'll just become a Formula 1 wife. That way, I can sit in my expensive clothes, with my personal assistants, and acquire free first row seats for all the races! Cars are much better than drums anyways.

I went on a bit of tangent there, back to how TORTUROUS my weeks are made by that school. First of all, the stage and per art studios are wack! The teachers are weird (except for my Physics teacher Mr McCartney, he's cool). The instruments are cheap rubbish, the food looks like what you would serve a prisoner and there are too many losers following me around! Like Tracy, ugh- I can't stand that girl!🤮 I pretend to be her friend, only cause I feel sorry for the poor thing. But she's literally obsessed! She copies EVERYTHING I do! Not to toot my own horn here, but I'd consider myself popular. I think she's just desperate to get involved with me and my mates. But like - girl, can't you see that me, Kitty, Gracie and the other girls don't want you there?!!! She literally came to school with bows in her hair yesterday! Two bows! The same exact colours as mine! She doesn't even try to make it subtle anymore. That rat also keeps asking, "Should I dye my hair blonde? Should I get a fringe?" Stop right there. First of all, I don't know HOW she thinks that would look even slightly cute on her?! It would totally wash her out! Secondly, more evidence she is just trying to be me! (I would actually tell her to go do it so she would embarrass herself, if it wasn't for that!).

There's also Roger's friends, they're in a band together. I mean... they're ok I guess, Freddie and John are nice. Brian is too but he's a bit of a nerd, when it comes to space. He also thinks it's funny to piss me off. He always steals my school hat and shoves it in his bag, and when the teacher asks where it is, I can't find it! I almost got detention because of him once! There's also this new student from America. I think her name is Jojo Siwa. And guess what? She sits next to me in maths now...She's such a freak. Gracie says shes cool, but I beg to differ. She's always showing up with black makeup smothered across her face that she has to wipe off in the toilets (I don't know why she even bothers putting it on). Her hair is always in this weird, really tight bun that's giving her a receding hairline. She also keeps claiming that she wrote this song called 'Karma'. She sang it to me and Roger cause she sadly caught up to us walking home the other day. Let's just say... her music career is over and it hasn't even begun. Plus, her voice sounds like she smokes more packs a day than that kid David Bowie in my history class, and he definitely sells drugs after school might I add! There's also Michael Jackson he's American too, I talk to him in art sometimes. He's actually pretty normal. Head Master Lennon is a pain though, he's put in this new stupid uniform rule that we have to have both our white socks pulled up fully. Like I'M SORRY? Maybe I like one of them lower down than the other?! He's also ALWAYS talking to my nan in Tescos, she thinks he's wonderful. She's always talking about him with bright-red blush on her face, that Aunt Melinda is often pointing out to her. But it's quite convenient actually, cause I get to hear all the juicy gossip about how his wife left him for our old teacher Mr John (he let us call him Mr Elton). I really miss Mr Elton, he was actually good at piano and music. He was a laugh too, I made him a card before he left. I drew him playing piano with my friends on the guitar and bass and me on the drums. I need to send him an SOS letter begging him to come back 🙁. To be honest, if I was Mr Lennon's wife, I'd leave him for Mr Elton. I'm Just saying!!!! (I have a deep feeling that he's gay though so that might not last long...😬)

I really think the only teacher now that can live up to Mr Elton is Mr McCartney. You wanna know why? Cause I actually learn physics when I'm in his class (which is very helpful when you have exams at the end of the year!) Last year, I had a different teacher, who was no help whatsoever! But in that class, I sat next to Brian so I just copied him because he's a smart arse. He got moved up to the top TOP science set this year though, so I can't do that anymore 🙄. Just as well I actually have a qualified science teacher this time round! Mr McCartney also has a thing for music too, which is just amazing! He's an excellent singer! I put my hand up a lot in that class, not to be a suck up or anything but cause I actually know the answers. He brings in cakes for us too, like every lesson! Hopefully I'm not obese by the end of the year because of him. Oh who cares? I'd rather be a fatty than miss out on those cakes. I only take one anyways! When it comes to practicals, there's always these girls that end up joining mine and my friend's group, so we just let them do the work while we chat to Mr McCartney about more interesting things. So yeah, I guess that part of school isn't all that bad, but I still hate it!!!!!! There's too many losers hanging about and just straight up strange people! At least at the end of the year I can go to college and never step foot in this freak show of a school again. 

(PS: I'm trying to listen to my new record that mum bought me, but Aunt Melinda is hoovering right outside my bedroom door!!! I've had enough of this house!! 😒)

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