In BIG trouble😬- Gracie

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Dear diary,

BIG code red!!!! I made a FAT mistake!! 😰 Soooo... Let's just say, Rogerina isn't completely safe from me and Kitty. She can be a real skank sometimes!! But we literally only keep that gossip between us, no one else hears about it. We would NEVER spread stuff about her. I mean, how juvenile would that be!!??
Well, in the summer, we went out shopping with her. We stopped by this really cute dress shop called Rosie's, and OBVIOUSLY we had to try the dresses on! I wanted to try on this red dress, but guess who took it? Rogerina!!! And it definitely looked so much cuter on her than it ever would do on me! She decided to buy it, but then saw my face and said, "You can try it on, if you want?!" I could tell by her face she knew that it would look like a trash bag on me compared to her, so I declined (politely). I was fuming though. When I got home, I called up Kitty and we both agreed she was being nasty (looking back on it now I definitely overreacted, and me and Rogerina are REALLY close now). Then I remembered how Rogerina had told me about how she snuck out with some guys one night, and someone had given her some 'questionable' photos they had taken of her doing some scandalous things at that party. It was late the day she told me, and Rogerina was quite tipsy, so she gave me the photos. I told Kitty that I'd mail them to her the next morning, as I was leaving for my holiday tomorrow afternoon. But guess what? They never showed up at her house!!!! When she told me, I realised I had actually written the wrong address on the envelope, I don't even know how I did that! 😢 So now those pictures are at some random person's house, and they might even go to our school for all I know!! I'm taking comfort in the fact that nothing about it has come out yet, they might just be with some poor old lady, who was probably VERY confused. Or maybe the person is holding onto them and plans to spread them around later? I'm literally PRAYING it's the first theory, because I feel TERRIBLE!!!! 🙁 Me and Rogerina are good friends, I should've thought a bit more before doing that... Me and Kitty just wanted to have a good laugh about it. But It's ok, I've just got to make it to the end of the year, exams are more important anyways! The end of my social life won't be anything against failing them. Anyways, it's not that bad. The guys in the pictures were complete randos anyways! It's not like she was with a bunch of people that everyone knows?! If that makes it any better... Oh gosh, I'm FREAKING OUT!! I'm also PRETTY sure Kitty has forgotten about it all, she told me not to worry about it. But that's easy to say when you're not the one who's going to get attacked if it does come out! I'm just going to try and forget about it like her, I'm probably just being silly. Maybe I didn't write the wrong address? If that's the case, really I should be having a word with the post office for losing my first-class stamp letter!

Anyways, moving on. Apart from the TOTAL mess of losing those photographs, the start of the year has actually been ok so far. I've got good classes with my friends, except for science. I used to be in a class with Kitty, but this year I got moved up to the top science set. I literally know NO ONE in there. The only person that I actually sort of know is Brian. I speak to him sometimes when I'm with Rogerina, they're usually getting into some teasing fight and I just kind of laugh along. But the worst part is, I actually...sort of...have a crush on Brian. But I barely talk to him! He saw me waiting outside the classroom and chatted to me for a bit, before his friend arrived. Gosh, my heart was beating so fast!!!😥 Maybe he likes me? I don't know. I sat next to a girl and we did talk now and again during the lesson. I think her name was Holly. But I couldn't help but look back at Brian. He caught me once and waved, so I waved back. I was so embarrassed, he must have thought I was such a WEIRDO for just staring at him like that!!! Also, that class is REALLY difficult compared to my old one. We started learning about black holes and other space things. I understood it, but only just about. Rogerina said she was proud of me for moving up, but I'm actually starting to panic from an information overload.🤢 Another BIG problem is that I really need to revise for this class, but I'm never going to get the chance because my friends are ALWAYS planning things! And I don't want to turn them down because I know how bad my FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) Is going to get!!!! I'll just have to use every minute of my free moments to study. That should work...right? Besides, I got good grades on my last year's mocks without revising.

So yeah, that's a summary of my CRAZY life. I'm just hoping that once the year has started properly, that I'll get more used to it. Anyways, I've got to go. I think Kitty's calling with the dirt she's overheard about the new girl Kate! This will be fun! 😆 Byeeeeeeeeeee!

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