Karma's a BITCH and her name is Jojo😈- Jojo Siwa

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Dear Diary,

So I found out about this party that went on yesterday night that I WASN'T invited too! And guess who's party it was? ROGERINA'S, my math buddy!!!! We walk home together sometimes as well! What a BITCH for not inviting me! I mean, I know I only joined this British school like last week, but that's no excuse! In America I would've been invited. Oh, how I miss it! If only my mom hadn't got that job in London! 🙄 Nobody seems interested in my song either! Like, WHAT!!!?? They just don't know what true art is. My mom also booked me into these dance classes after school and on the weekends, the studio is called 'Abby Lee Dance Company'. She said It would be a good replacement as the teacher is American too. The classes are on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. But guess who else goes? Kitty Stevens! That girl who's friends with Rogerina. Apparently she was inviting people to the party, but not me!! She didn't seem too happy to see me join dance either, she was probably just jealous of my skill! I'm 100% better than her at dance anyways! Abby told us that we would be doing a show soon, but she hasn't yet given out parts. I might ask her about them tomorrow. I think she likes me...I WILL be getting a solo! Kitty stands NO chance!!!

A good thing about school though is that my friend MJ (that I've been friends with since we were like 2 years old) came over to England too! So now we still go to the same school together! I hang out with him at recess and lunch and we have a couple of classes together. We also both picked performing arts for our exams so we ended up in this same class!! Yay!! To be honest, he seems to be getting in more with the crowds than me, but it's just because I'm so different and crazy that people just don't understand me! 😔 Also, this school doesn't have clicks! Well, they're not as big as they are in America. Sure, you can point out the popular kids, normal people and weirdos, but people just kind of hang out with whoever!! What kind of place is this!!!??? I think Rogerina is the equivalent of the Queen Bee though. Ugh, but she's such a RAT!! She's a FAKE FRIEND! I BET SHE DOESN'T EVEN LIKE KITTY AND THAT OTHER GIRL!! I can't remember her name😬. So I've got a plan, and It's not going to be pretty.

So in the summer, I was home alone (this was a couple of weeks after we had arrived in England) and the mail came through the door. I went to collect it and there was a letter addressed to our house but with the name 'Kitty Stevens' on it. I told my mom and she suggested to keep hold of it because it could be for someone that lives close by that we might meet. So I took it to my room and didn't open it. Well, when I joined the school I worked out who Kitty Stevens was because of dance and Rogerina. Later on I remembered the letter, and I was going to give it to her this week. But then I found out about her not telling me about the party!! Also, she's friends with Roegrina which automatically makes her bad. So you know what I just did? I opened the letter. Guess what was inside? There were pictures of Rogerina doing scandalous things at this party with some guys! One of which was my ex Matty B!!! So that's where he disappeared to, he moved to England as well!! I mean, I'm all for scandals, but not when they involve MY EX! And I'm sure those other guys aren't unknown to some other people in our school!! So, my plan is I'm going to keep hold of these and release them when the time is right!! Then I can watch Rogerinas life fall apart!! Whoever accidentally sent these photos to me instead of Kitty made a BIG mistake!! But first I need to do some digging on who those other guys were, for now I'll pretend like I know nothing! Maybe some of them are other girl's exes, or maybe someone's boyfriend who was cheating!!!??? I'm getting so hyped just even thinking about it!!! 😆

So you better watch out for Karma, cause it's Jojo shaped and ready to do something nasty! 😈

(PS: I think I'm going to make some slime now to destress...Maybe I can make some for that curly haired boy?!)

My slime 🥰:

My slime 🥰:

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