There's a band in my house...-Rogerina

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Dear Diary,

TELL ME WHY WHEN I WOKE UP THIS MORNING BRIAN WAS IN MY ROOM!? I basically woke up around 11am, I was still in my dress and all my makeup. I felt like crap, and then I saw Brian sitting in my desk chair in front of me ASLEEP!!! I could hardly remember what had happened, I could kind of recall the fight with Sam, and all the throwing up. But other than that, I had no clue. I started to actually get quite concerned on what I had done last night...😬 I was going to throw my cuddly cat toy, LouLou, at him so he would wake up, but I decided not to do that. LouLou deserves better!

So instead of subjecting LouLou to the horrendous experience of whacking Brian in the face, I grabbed my dressing gown, a shirt and shorts and went to the bathroom to take my dress off

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So instead of subjecting LouLou to the horrendous experience of whacking Brian in the face, I grabbed my dressing gown, a shirt and shorts and went to the bathroom to take my dress off. I will NOT be sleeping in that again. 🤢 When I got up I was a bit wobbly, like when you wake up from a REALLY deep sleep and have to go to the toilet. And my head, Oh my gosh...I never want a headache like that again! So I got changed out of my dress in the bathroom and put my dressing gown and clothes on. I then looked in the mirror. My hair was so messy and my makeup was all smudged. Then I looked at my neck, there was a red mark. It looked like a hickey! I couldn't remember for the life of me when that had happened...Yeah, so your girl really was starting to panic at this point.😳 I had woken up in my clothes feeling like I had been hit by a bus, I had what seemed like a hickey on my neck and Brian was asleep in my room, and I couldn't remember anything for shit (anything meaningful anyways). I touched the mark and it was slightly sore. I did look closer and I did begin to think it might have been a burn or something instead (I was praying that it was). When I left the bathroom, I peaked my head into Roger's room and he was asleep. He looked like a mess as well. He had bruises all over his face and dried blood around his nose. The fight, of course. I was starting to think the party hadn't gone too well... I went back to my room and sat at my vanity to wipe my makeup off and brush my hair. As I was cleaning the smeared mascara off my face, Brian woke up. I turned my head to look at him as he was rubbing his eyes. I asked him if he would care to explain what he was doing in my room. He then told me that someone had spiked me with some drug (Roger thinks it was Sam) and I was being sick everywhere so he had helped me out, and had accidentally fell asleep on my desk chair. I was quite relieved at this answer, except for the spiking part. He also told me about how Roger, John and Freddie had cleaned up the house. I then started to freak because of Nanny Deaky, but Brian told me she had called to say that she was staying at a hotel. Few!!! 😮‍💨  He also told me about Roger fighting Sam. Poor Rog had really been through the wars with him. Brian then asked if I felt ok, it was an obvious no! He's actually quite sweet though, he went to go get me some water.  

After he had left, I finished brushing my hair and headed downstairs. Freddie was asleep on the sofa and John was asleep on the armchair. The house was clean though, they had really done a good job. I joined Bri in the kitchen and grabbed a bowl to make myself some cereal. He gave me my water and started making tea. He did offer me some, but I decided that caffeine wouldn't be the best thing to drink after being spiked, so I just stuck to the water. I asked what his parents would say about him being gone all night, but he told me he had got Rog to call them and the other's parents. Rog explained to them that the boys were helping me out, so they were ok with it. I wish my mum was that chill! 🙄 I then went and sat next to Freddie on the sofa and turned on the TV while I ate my Coco Pops. Him and John then began to wake up, and Brian came in with the tea so me and Fred scooched up so he could sit down. We were all just sitting together in the lounge, except for Roger who was still asleep. I did thank them for cleaning up and asked them about what had happened last night, they all told the same story. Freddie pointed out the mark on my neck and I said I couldn't remember where it had come from, he didn't have a clue either. Neither did John or Bri, or did they know and were just not telling me?🤨 I decided I would ask Roger when they had all gone home. Speaking of the devil, he finally came downstairs and still hadn't cleaned his face, so I got up and made him come into the kitchen so I could wipe the dried blood off from under his nose. He then told me about his fight with Sam and I thanked him for being such a caring brother. He is a bit of an idiot though, because he knows he couldn't have won that fight...

Right, the next part of this whole situation almost gave me a heart attack! When I had finished with Roger and was sitting back in the lounge again, the doorbell rang!! No! It was Nanny Deaky!!! 😰 She was NOT going to be happy when she saw me sitting in the lounge in my dressing gown with a bunch of boys!! I went to get up to open the door, but Brian told me he would go instead. How chivalrous! He opened the door, but instead of being greeted by Nanny Deaky, he opened the door to Aunt Melinda!!! THANK...GOD! She had no idea how happy I was to see her and not Nanny Deaky at that door!!! Obviously, she was quite confused when she saw how many people were in the lounge, but she was chill about it. She always is, probably because she was like me when she was a teenager. Mum always complains about how she used to act like me. She explained how Nanny Deaky had called her to come over today because she wasn't going to be back until around 4 pm. But oh my gosh, when Aunt Melinda saw Roger's face she was so worried! She was all like, "Oh gosh, my poor darling! What happened to you!?" She then went sashaying over to him in her heels, with her handbag on her arm. She took him to the kitchen and found an ice pack in our freezer to put on his face. We explained to her EVERYTHING that had happened, because we can trust her not to go ratting us out to nan and mum. She told us that she would not say anything to them. I LOVE Aunt Melinda, just not the amount of times she hoovers. That REALLY gets on my nerves! Oh and OF COURSE she asked if Brian, John or Freddie were my boyfriend. I said no, she looked quite disappointed...She always wants to get involved with my boyfriends, I reminded her that I was taking a boy break for now though (I think she had forgotten). Oh yeah, and then she saw my mark. She thought it was a hickey too and asked me who had done it, but then Roger butted in said that Kitty had apparently accidentally burnt me with a curling iron! After he said that, I started to remember things. I could recall getting mad at Kitty, and the argument with Sam in the corner. But I was SOOO thankful that the mark was indeed a burn and not the product of me doing things with some guy while under the influence. So then after that, Aunt Melinda made us all chicken soup with bread for lunch and let us have all the biscuits we wanted. She is a GOD SENT!! 🥰 She had a good conversation with the boys and seemed to like them quite a bit. Then we all played scrabble together, which got quite heated. Brian got the word 'lackers' which had the biggest score I had ever seen! Freddie was really not happy about that though. He wouldn't forgive him for adding that S on. 😂 Anyways, so after that Bri, Fred and John had to go home before Nanny Deacy arrived, so we said goodbye to them and they left. Aunt Melinda planned with me and Rog that the explanation for Roger's face being done in would be that he had fallen down the stairs, simple enough. Not long after, Nanny Deaky arrived home.

She was shocked at first when she saw Roger's face, but she believed the story and told him off for being so silly. She babied him for the rest of the day though 🙄, like EXCUSE ME? I think I felt worse than he did! Nanny Deaky did notice that I didn't look too well, I just told her I had a cold. Then she told us all about her night at Bingo, and about how MR LENNON WAS THERE!! He had apparently noticed her and had bought her drinks at the bar. She was also gushing over the fact that he was flirting with her! Oh my gosh, this old lady was blushing like MAD! I'm hiding from Mr Lennon tomorrow, that's for sure! Aunt Melinda then helped Nanny Deacy with dinner, usually I have to help but as I was 'sick' I was let off (Much to Nanny Deaky's disapproval). They made us spag bol, yum!😋 We were also allowed an extra slice of chocolate cake. Then after that, Aunt Melinda hoovered (of course!) and then went home. I made sure to have a shower and wash my hair, and then Nanny Deaky sent us both to bed early, as we had school the next day. After I had gotten ready, I got a call. It was Kitty and Gracie! They basically asked if I was ok and I told them I was fine, Kitty also apologised for the curler burn. Then we laughed a bit about Sam and Tracy (I was so glad I had managed to avoid her last night) and they reminded me about the 'Kalteen bar' plan. They also asked if I was coming to school tomorrow and I said I would see how I felt in the morning. Nanny Deaky would probably send me in anyways 😒. She would still make me go to school if I was missing a leg! After that, I put the phone down and went to get into bed. But I noticed something I hadn't done before. My diary, It was open!!!! BRIAN!!! 😡 I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT ROTTER HAD READ MY DIARY!!!

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