Tracy Must Be Stopped!!! 😡- Rogerina

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Dear Dairy,

I am FUMING!!!!!!! I had to go smoke at the back of the field today at break because I was so ANGRY. AND YOU WANNA KNOW WHY!???? BECAUSE THAT SLAG TRACY LITERALLY CAME TO SCHOOL WITH MY EXACT MAKEUP ON!!!! I COULDN'T EVEN LOOK AT HER I WAS SO ANGRY!!!! She's sooo...sooo RANCID!!! 😡 I'm so pissed that I HAD to invite her to my party this weekend, if only she hadn't overheard about it! I literally did not speak to her all of today, and she still didn't get the hint!!! I HATE THAT GIRL!!! I might get Roger to jump her or something, he hates her too. Or I'll do it myself, as a man can't hit a woman...if you could even call her that. Also, somehow Sam found out about my party! He keeps calling the phone, saying he's going to show up and do GOD KNOWS what. I'm going to hire some guards. Just as well there's lots of boys coming. I just don't want him coming near me, I broke up with him for a reason. And after that whole ordeal during the summer holidays...I don't think I could look at him. Roger despises him now. Roger's so shrimpy and small, but he'd still try to fight my 6 foot tall ex. I love my brother (sometimes). I'll tell him about what's happened, just so he can plan his attack. That way it's a bit more organised. An organised fight!!

At lunch today, me and the girls were in the canteen (avoiding Tracy, we didn't wait for her after class) and guess who was proper staring at Gracie? George Michael! The playboy! I told her and she looked back at him. Usually, he'll just stare and then smirk (sign he's going to play you). But this time...he looked away...OH...MY...GOSH! Wait, did he actually like her? He looked so shy and embarrassed when she caught him staring. I was so excited for her!!! She looked quite shocked and was in denial that he might like her for real, but I could tell she was slightly happy. But I didn't want to encourage her too much... he literally cheated on his last girlfriend...rumour has it with another boy!!!! But maybe this was a turning point for him? Personally, I just think he's confused and lost. In some way... 🤨 Oh also, I was talking to John in history today, and I think he likes Kitty! What a win for her! He was talking about how they sit next to each other in art, gosh they're so cute!!! Kitty can be a bit stupid sometimes, but in a silly blonde way. He seemed to love that about her though!! I'm gonna tell her tomorrow! Personally, I'm off the boy scene for now, Sam's put me off (not forever though...) I just need to wait for the right guy to come along. One that's not a total ARSEHOLE! But I don't think I'm finding that at Cecil high. 😑

Something else happened that I forgot to mention! My bloody mum keeps INSISTING that I get a job, but I just keep denying it. Well, now she's REFUSING to give me any money until I get one! My monthly allowance has been taken from me!!! So I guess now I've got no choice!🙄 The other day, I had gone to bed but had forgot to fill up my glass, so I walked down the hallway to the bathroom. But then I heard my mum talking to Nanny Deaky in the lounge. I peaked my head round so I could see through the top of the banister, and they were sitting on the sofa drinking wine. Corrie had finished a bit ago so they were just chatting. Mum was talking about me!!!!! This is what they were saying (from what I can remember):
MUM- "I've had enough of that girl getting involved with all these bad people. We shouldn't have to be picking her up from some random boy's house because she's got too drunk. I'm sick of it!"

NANNY DEAKY- "She's just like that bloody Justin, always out." (Justin's my dad)

MUM- "Mhm, I and I thought not having him around would stop her being like this! She's bright too, but I don't think I've actually seen her properly study once! Only when It's homework." -(I can't avoid homework, mum literally set up the 'homework table' in the lounge. I have to come home, do the washing up, finish my homework and then I can go out. She's SOOOO ANNOYING!)

NANNY DEAKY- "I honestly think that child is worse than her brother. You need to be more strict with her!"

MUM- "And there was me thinking I was strict...That's why I need her to get a job, so she's away from all those distractions. Then she'll also have money to help pay for her driving lessons and stuff like that. But with her behaviour, she should be paying the lot!!" (What a skank!! I could be much worse!!) 😡

NANNY DEAKY- "You should put a word in with that friend of yours, the one with the cafe, Sheila isn't it? I can speak to Elizabeth at the florists as well if you'd like."

MUM- "That would be amazing mum, thank you...Yes I'll speak to Sheila at some point. Well, I think I'm gonna go to bed now, need to be up early for work. (Gets up) Also leave some cake, mum, Melinda's coming tomorrow."

NANNY DEAKY- "Oh what a surprise! She basically lives here! Well tell her to bring that Jimmy along with her again, he's a real laugh!" (I actually like Aunt Melinda's boyfriend Jim, he's so funny! He buys me stuff as well, Nanny Deacy won't stop calling him Jimmy though).

So yeah, that was the whole of it! Now I'm being set to labour! You know what, tomorrow after school I'm going to go to the cafe and get the job myself! Maybe then mum might give me my allowance back for being so independent! (I could do with the extra money anyways). I also can't believe she compared me to my dad! At least I don't leave the house and never come back, and then try to force my way back into our lives with my new girlfriend and child!!! Ugh, I hate his new girlfriend. She definitely does not like me, she won't let me see their kid, my own HALF SISTER! I do actually want to see my sister, just not my dad or his slimey girlfriend. Moving on, after that I filled up my glass and angrily went back to my room. I was so annoyed at them for talking behind my back like that!! I literally cannot wait for the weekend, no mum, no nan. That party's going to be amazing and I'll make sure of it!!! (let's just hope Nanny Deaky stays at bingo just a little too long!) 😁
The wicked witches of the west!:

 That party's going to be amazing and I'll make sure of it!!! (let's just hope Nanny Deaky stays at bingo just a little too long!) 😁The wicked witches of the west!:

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(I hated taking this family photo 😒)

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