CHAPTER 7: change of pace.

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   You were so embarrassed by your and Joker's conversation that you had considered just skipping the meeting. Maybe hiding under your blankets all day and trying to catch up on some sleep. But, you knew he had expected to see you there, so at around 10:50, you got out of bed and went to the bathroom to assess your appearance one last time.

   Your hair was a little frizzy from laying in bed, so you gently combed through it, careful not to disturb the waves too much. Curiosity was eating at you; what would this meeting be about? Would you finally get to start committing some serious crime? Or was it just plans for drug trafficking or something that you had no interest in?

   You knew there was only one way to find out, which was getting your ass downstairs before 11:00. So, once your hair looked presentable again, you set off for the assembly room, letting your mind wander as you walked.

   Once you got there, it was around 10:55. As you walked into the room, you saw Frost and four other men seated at a singular table in the middle of the room, but no Joker yet. The vibe was dark and businesslike, and the room smelled like old paperwork. You were very thankful that Dennis' body was taken elsewhere to decompose; his decay would have definitely put a damper on the morning.

   Not knowing any of the other men, you sat down next to Frost, who mollified the awkwardness by introducing you to them. The man to Frost's left was Lennon, and the man next to him was Shaun. There was an open seat between Shaun and the next man, whose name was William. Then, next to William, there was Ronnie. Everyone seemed relatively nice, although Ronnie seemed like kind of a wise ass. Lennon was on the shyer side, and Shaun and William seemed to mirror each other in their gregarious personalities. You couldn't help but wonder which of them took part in the conversation about you last night, but it sounded like it had been Ronnie and William.

(I know these are not real people, they're just little characters I've created! Like I said, I don't know much about the DC universe lmao)

   You wondered why there was an empty chair, then realized that that chair had probably belonged to Dennis. You noticed that everyone at the table refused to look at it or acknowledge it, so, out of respect, you did the same.

   Your mind was already abuzz with the new information about who you'd be working with, and you knew that your mental load would only increase. So, you took a deep breath and steadied yourself. You were one of the Joker's goons now, and being overwhelmed was likely something that came with the territory.

Then, at exactly 11:00, Joker walked into the room, carrying a briefcase. You noticed everyone's posture straighten due to his presence, so you did the same.

"Good morning, J," Frost greeted politely, only receiving a curt nod in reply as Joker sat down next to you. You realized that you really couldn't escape that man; he always seemed to sit next to you. First at dinner, now this meeting.

It's not like you minded, but you could've done without the nervous sweat that came with this close proximity.

Everyone was quiet, waiting for Joker to begin as he placed the briefcase on top of the table. He had the whole room in the palm of his hand. Whether that be from admiration or fear, you didn't know. Regardless, he had everyone's respect. And you admired that. You hoped to have everyone's respect soon, and the best way to do that was to be good and follow the crowd, yet stand out where it counted.

"We have a mission on Saturday," Joker said.

You could barely contain the smile from breaking out across your face. Finally! You could finally prove your worth to Joker and show him your skills. And so soon, too! Today was Thursday; all you had to do was get through two more days of anticipation. You didn't know what type of mission you would be embarking on, but it didn't matter. Any opportunity to commit some crime was just as good as any other. At least, it was for now. You were still new, after all. You would take what you could get.

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