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Hello, hello! If you're new here, welcome. If you're from my old fic ("One True Descender"), welcome back and apologies for the delayed upload. But hey, we made it!

So, what's different this time around:

- Okay, the plot and my OCs might look familiar. But I refused to copy-paste my old work, so I rewrote the whole thing from scratch. Why? Because I hated the old timeline and wanted to make everything less confusing for you (and for me). Old readers, PLEASE DON'T SPOIL ANYTHING IN THE COMMENTS!

- New lore has dropped, and of course, I had to incorporate it into the plot. Hence the new book title. My old title doesn't make any sense anymore, now that I think about it.

Now for the disclaimers:

- Everything in this fic, except for my OCs, belongs to Hoyoverse.

- The main character will be female and aroace. All relationships are platonic because I, being aroace, am utterly clueless about romance and find it confusing as heck.

- This fic is written in 3rd person, featuring an original character named 'Y/n' with her own appearance, personality, family, and all that jazz. I didn't want to name her anything else, so Y/n it is.

- Expect spoilers up to the latest Archon quests and maybe some world quests. Also, there will be a sprinkle of lore from other Hoyoverse games—namely Honkai Star Rail and Honkai Impact 3rd. Just enough to tie the Hoyoverse universe together.


Now, a brief introduction to some characters. You don't have to read it if you don't want to, they would be introduced in the story anyways:

Y/n L/n is a 16-year-old teenager. She's extremely intelligent, tech-savvy, and has an impeccable memory—yet somehow, she's also burnt out and unmotivated. Ask the neighbors, and they'll think she's a myth; she rarely leaves the house, and no one in the family pushes her to socialize, except for the occasional family dinner. She attends an online school, which does wonders for her social skills.

Xenon L/n is Y/n's older brother, a professional ice skater. On the surface, he's blunt and doesn't sugarcoat anything, which makes him seem like a bit of a jerk. But anyone who spends enough time with him realizes there's more to him, something subtly unsettling. They just can't figure out what. Well, neither can he.

Freyr L/n is Y/n and Xenon's father. Everyone has a different take on him, mostly because of his job. But one thing's consistent: he never takes anything seriously, cracking (sometimes inappropriate) jokes at the worst times. At home and in the neighborhood, he's known as the chillest dad on earth. The kids adore him.

Tala L/n is Y/n's and Xenon's mother. Spoiler alert—she was pronounced dead the day Y/n was born. But her legacy? She solved world hunger and cured numerous incurable diseases. Yup. She was THAT good. It's no wonder Y/n inherited some of her brilliance.

Cleo is Y/n's childhood friend. They bonded because their parents were colleagues. They went to school together before...something happened. They've remained close despite that.

Avani is Cleo's mother. She's Freyr's colleague and old friend, and the reason Y/n is so tech-savvy. She's kind, gentle, and extroverted. But start her on tech, and she transforms into one of the most brilliant people Y/n has ever encountered.

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