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"[redacted] has left the world."


Cleo stared at her phone, baffled. One moment Y/n was there, and then poof – swallowed by some weird crimson thing. The call ended with a chilling silence, leaving Cleo grappling with a mixture of confusion and dread.

"That was a cool camera trick, Y/n. Very sci-fi," Cleo chuckled nervously, half-expecting Y/n to reappear on the screen.

But Y/n did not reappear.

Turning to Luna, Cleo found her friend in a daze, pen poised over her notebook, eyes unfocused.

"Luna?" Cleo called. No response. A gentle tap on the shoulder finally broke Luna's reverie.

"Whoa, you startled me! Studying has got me zoning out," Luna laughed, rubbing her eyes. "What's up?"

Cleo exhaled, unsure how to even begin. "Ever heard of a camera filter that makes people disappear?"

Luna laughed, brushing off the question. "There's tons of that stuff online. What's got you asking?"

"Well, I was just on a call with Y/n," Cleo started, her voice tinged with concern, "and she was sucked into some red portal."

Luna snorted. "That's gotta be a prank. Just call her back."

But when Cleo tried, each attempt returned a cold, impersonal tone—'The number does not exist.' A sinking feeling took hold as she frantically searched up various social media platforms, only to find that Y/n's account had disappeared as though it had never existed.

"Luna, help me look her up on Insta," Cleo pleaded, desperation creeping into her voice.

Frowning in concern at Cleo's pale face, Luna obliged. "What's her username? I don't follow her."

Cleo's frustration mounted. "You do, Luna! Just look in your follow list."

Luna searched, but her results came up empty. "There's nothing here—"

Then Luna laughed, a sound that sent a chill down Cleo's spine. "Nice joke, really. I get it."

Cleo glanced at Luna's screen, where a series of bizarre accounts appeared, each sporting uh...some rather unhinged usernames——all sharing the same profile picture. Each image depicted the same person in an unmistakable art style.

Confused, Cleo grabbed her own phone to check Instagram again. Tapping on the 'For You' tab, her feed was flooded with art, reels, and video edits, all centered around someone identical to Y/n.

The unsettling realization dawned on Cleo as she stared at the images, her expression turning to one of sheer terror. Luna, observing Cleo's alarmed state, hesitated, her voice tinged with concern, "Cleo? You alright? I've never heard of this Y/n before—must be some new character, huh?"

But Cleo's horror only deepened at Luna's words. Luna continued, "What?! I don't follow Genshin updates! How would I recognize someone who's supposedly just been announced?"

Cleo bolted out of the classroom, ignoring Luna's protests.


The hallways of the school felt eerily silent to Cleo as she navigated them, her mind a tumult of confusion and dread. She approached teachers and classmates alike, inquiring about Y/n—an old student reputed to have been expelled from their school. Their responses were invariably blank stares or confused shrugs; none of them held any memory of Y/n.

Ain't no way Y/n just pulled a Rukkhadevata.

Feeling both frustrated and anxious, Cleo trudged onward, her desperation mounting with each fruitless interaction. She then overheard a group of students huddled around a smartphone, their excitement palpable. They were Genshin fans, eagerly discussing a new teaser trailer that had supposedly dropped at the exact moment her FaceTime call with Y/n had abruptly ended.

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