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"Wake up, lazybones!"

Y/n groaned, keeping her eyes tightly shut. The sun's rays painted a warm, golden hue across the room, but she remained lost in her peaceful slumber, unaffected by the light.

Xenon's imposing figure hovered over her bed like a tyrannical god, his face twisted in a scowl. "Your snoring is worse than a chainsaw. Get up and do something about it."

But Y/n remained comatose, her face a picture of peaceful tranquility as she drifted through the depths of her dreamland. Despite her brother's booming voice and forceful prodding, she showed no sign of stirring.

Never one to back down from a challenge, Xenon leaned closer, his voice laced with mock threat. "If you don't get up, I'm gonna blast death metal through the speakers. You know I will."

Still no reaction.

He sighed dramatically, eyeing her with a mix of annoyance and amusement. "Alright, you asked for it," he said, reaching for his phone and queuing up the loudest, most jarring metal track he could find.

The jarring sound of Xenon's impromptu alarm method made Y/n bolt upright, her hair resembling a bird's nest in a windstorm and her eyes wide, mirroring her shock.

"There we go, the dead has risen. Welcome to the land of the living, Y/n," Xenon chuckled, nimbly sidestepping her sleepy, half-hearted attempt to swat at him.

Rubbing her eyes, Y/n shot back, "Oh, ha-ha, very funny. You're hilarious, really. Next time, just hire a marching band."

Xenon, propped casually against the doorframe, watched her with an amused smirk. His eyes said it all: get moving. Y/n, with her usual flair for drama, let out a sigh that could rival a Shakespearean actor. "As if I need these online classes," she muttered, more to herself than her brother.

Her mind briefly wandered to the calendar, a flicker of recollection in her eyes. "Isn't today... something special?"

Xenon's response came with a grumble. "Yeah, yeah. Happy Sweet Sixteen, or whatever. Dad's actually dragging us out for dinner tonight. Flew back from who-knows-where just for your big day."

Y/n, now fully awake, sat up with a mischievous grin. "You know, I had the weirdest dream. We were in this quaint village, wearing funky clothes. And you - get this - were being nice to me on my birthday. Can you imagine? You, nice? It was so surreal I almost believed it."

Xenon snorted, as he snatched Y/n's laptop and flopped it onto her bed, clicking open Microsoft Teams. "Me, nice? In your dreams, literally. Anyways, your classes are starting in 15 minutes. Chop-chop."

Y/n rolled her eyes. "Ugh, what a waste of time. I mean, seriously, why bother? I remember everything I read anyway."

Xenon raised an eyebrow, a sly grin forming. "Oh, is that why you got expelled from your old school?"

Y/n ignored Xenon's comment. "Can you grab Dad's tablet for me? I'm way too comfortable to get up now."

"For what, exactly?"

"Umm, for... games."

"And which game has caught the interest of our resident genius?"


Xenon let out a long, exaggerated sigh. "That game again...you do remember that he has explicitly forbidden you from even breathing near his tablet, right?"

"Yeah, but come on, when has Dad ever kept track of his own rules? Knowing him, he probably said that as a joke," Y/n retorted, her smirk widening. "Plus, it's the only gadget in this house that can handle Genshin without crashing. And no, the PS5 doesn't count. I want to play in bed, preferably while pretending to pay attention in class."

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