Love from afar and near

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On a bright warm afternoon, the birds chirp loudly and the wind blew gently through the city of Limburg. The day should have felt like any other summer day. However on this particular day, there was a buzz of excitement in the air. It was the last day of school for 18 year old Len. He has been on cloud nine ever since he woke up that day. Clearly excited about something. 

Through his huge schedule, the young man spoke quietly under his breath 

3:29 PM, the sooner the day ends, the closer I get to go back home” Len slowly looks down towards a picture of a pretty petite classmate wearing a skirt uniform that barely reached her knees,

I hope she's doing well” 

His happy face quickly turned a little sour with nervousness. 

I have to tell her” Thought Len. He begins twiddling his thumbs around each other. The stress was getting to him

“Hey Len! Are you paying attention?”

His friend Seleste tried her best to get his attention. But Len kept on with his psychosis-like state, staring deeply at the table. If staring could pierce, his stare and sharp focus on the table would have bore a large hole through it.

“Len! Yoohoo~”

Nothing. Clearly he wasn't paying any attention to his surroundings. Seleste put on a quizzical and annoyed face and pouted. She slowly clenched her left fist hard and slowly raised it up, gaining strength with each increase in height.


Seleste’s fist flew towards the top of Len’s head with intense speed and fury. A strike that even experienced fighters would be jealous of. Seleste's face was the definition of anger, a menacing growl and clenching of teeth paired with flared eyebrows and flared nostrils. The weapon of mass destruction that took shape of her fist was quickly approaching Len’s fragile skull.

*Boom *

The attack came to a complete halt, seemingly out of nowhere. Many onlookers were shocked at the sight. Some even gasped and yelped at what they saw.

"She has always been a no nonsense, hardcore rule abider that also doesn't give a shit about others feelings. What is she doing?"

Some in the school feared her, most of which are the troublemakers in the school. However, the rest of the school adored her, especially amongst the female students. Encouraging them to stand up for themselves and reminding them that they are protected and seen in the school.

She was in most of the male students minds, not only because of her personality and morals. She was also exceptionally gorgeous. Cute shoulder length hair and slender arms. Large bust size and a body to match. The part of her that attracted them the most is her round buttocks moving proudly over a set of strong thick thighs.

Leading her class as the class president. One would assume that she participated in sports in the school, but she's more interested in reading and writing. Often considered as wise and intelligent by her peers, she didn't particularly excel in school. The respect that she has garnered through her time in school has reached a point where students have refused to refer to her by her given name and have resorted to using her last name with honorifics.

“Umm… Ms, Alinz?” Asked one of the awestruck students. “What just happened?”

Celeste’s hand quivered from the sudden disruption of momentum. Her once menacing face has turned to a face of concern. She carefully squats next to Len and patted his head with her left arm and hugged him with her right.

Everyone's jaw dropped from sheer shock and disbelief.

"Why would she do that for him?" Thought the crowd

you'll be ok Len” whispered Celeste, into Len’s ear. “Everything will be alright

Len had his hand in his pocket, caressing a small square shaped object within it

* 3:30 PM *

The bell rings to dismiss the students for summer break. But for the large Chinese man, he is finished with his studies in molecular biology and is excited to get his bachelors degree in medical biology. But what was on his mind was his girlfriend that he hasn't seen in person for a considerable amount of time.

Len quickly snaps out of his daze and heads straight towards the door, completely ignoring Seleste once again.

The crowd was in disbelief yet again, no one has ever brushed Seleste off without disciplinary action swiftly handed out by Seleste herself.

Seleste didn't react, she just watched him exit the doors and walk out into the hallway.


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