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"Len, we need to talk"

Arthur and Seleste walk up to Len and have  him sit down.

"We both love and care about you, but we both think that you need to hear this from us"

Seleste puts a hand on Lens shoulder and squats down to his level. Preparing to speak with the man.

"Len, Tina is toxic. She isn't worth your time and concerns. She's not concerned about you. She hasn't responded to your text messages for well over a month now. Dump her and get on with your life. Go get yourself someone better for you."

Looking towards Arthur and then back to Seleste, he just simply tilts his head down, unresponsive.

Both Seleste and Arthur looked at each other concerned for their friend. Arthur gets closer to Len and proceeds talking again.

"We know how much you love her, but we don't think she loves you."

"I know it'll be hard. But I don't want to have that talk over messages. I need to tell her upfront"

The couple was caught completely off guard from this remark. Both, now with a big smile on their faces, gave him a pat on the back and also some happy hollers.

"Finally, we're getting somewhere!"

Arthur reached out to his cousin and gave him a hearty handshake. Len looked up at them and he smiled. It wasn't the strongest smile, but it was genuine.

*Reeeeeeee* Reeeeeeee* Reeeee*

The three of them flinched from the sudden loud sirens. What is going on? Those were not police sirens. It sounded similar to a tornado siren, but different.

A female AI produced voice come on the speaker while the sirens continues to blare loudly.

*Warning. This is not a drill. Warning. This is not a drill. A meteor has been detected heading towards Earth and is predicted to be heading towards the approximate area in one hour. Please evacuate the area in a quick and calm matter.*


Arthur yelled in shock,

*Warning!!! Warning!!!*

The sirens continue as the trio runs out towards their car, taking only their essentials. Arthur was the only one with a license, however now isn't the time to be nice and orderly. Seleste took the wheel, her only experience with driving was playing at an arcade and out in the countryside. However that was enough experience to drive in these situations.

She kicked it into drive and slammed on the gas petal, following a group of cars heading out of the city.

They swerved around many cars, reaching speeds of almost 90 MPH. Yes, they are in a rush, but they don't want to get into a severe accident before a huge catastrophe.

Len was getting car sick and decided to look out the window, viewing other cars and buildings zoom by. He also noticed people still walking around the city. They were looting, breaking into stores and houses to get all and anything valuable. There were some that wete just there for the chaos, setting trees and buildings in flames.

Looking at the rear view mirror, all Seleste saw was huge flames and destruction. She saw the looters and resented them deeply.

"One of those SOB could have been the person that killed my parents. They could have taken Lens' family members. I just wish that they could all just die"

They drove pass the city limits and continued towards the city of Green River. Arthur looks at his girlfriend and asks her

"Seesee, where are we going?"

"Salt lake city Aru. My Grandma lives there along with some cousins. We can stay at their place for the time being"


The meteor. It finally arrived and made contact with the Earth. The trio looks behind them and kept on driving. A plume of smoke and debris kicked up into the sky and was heading towards them. The sound of the impact itself made the windows wobble. Almost as if they were about to break at any moment.

They drove faster to escape the reach of the dust cloud. Going 130 MPH, Arthur held Seleste's hand as she drove, reassuring her and making sure that her PTSD doesn't occur while she drove.

The clouds were gaining on them and they all became worried. Some dried dirt was already pelting the back of their Rav4. The back windshield was getting dirtier by the minute.

Then, the dust started to clear. No more dirt hitting the SUV. It has started to settle down, but this was no time to stop. A sign shorty becomes visible to them.

Welcome to Green River

That pulled into a gas station to fuel up and for a break. Meteors are now as common as a thunderstorm. Both are horrendously terrifying.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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