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It's been a few weeks since the oil stains, but Len still has hope that the rubles of his parents home will shine and light as to where they went.

To dispel the stress of their disappearance, he has been running and working out a considerable amount. He frequently jogs to his hospital appointments.

"Hello there Mr. Xi, are you here to see Dr. Ramone again?"

"Yes please Miss Kyng"

The receptionist blushed and promptly input Len's arrival into the computer system.

"Go straight to floor 4 Mr. Xi. Oh! And please call me Patty"

She winked at Len and laced her drapped hair over her ear.

Len smiled in return and went towards the elevator. The doors open after some time and out of the elevator is two young nurses, of shyly walk around the young man while covering their mouth.

"Ladys" Len tipped his Invisible hat towards them and their giggles became louder.

Len's check up was quickly completed and he started the trek home.

*Zzzm* *Zzzm*

It was an unknown number, but Len's curiousity for the better is him.

"Hello? Lenord Xi speaking..... "

"Lenord! We found something!"

The trio along with Jinyoung quickly arrived at the police station and were met by Officer Longstein who was carefully holding a few pieces of paper in his hands.

"Lenord, everyone, thank you for showing up so quickly. We may have just found out first clue as to what occurred at your parents house."

Eager, Officer Longstein guided them inside and to his desk. He then laid out the pieces of paper that has trend graphs and numbers along with labels indicating what each line resemble.

"Look at these two graphs, Len, one is the oil that your father uses for his and your mother's vehicle."

Officer Longstein then pointed towards the other sheets and graphs. Specifically pointing at a peak within the graph.

"This is the oil that you guys found, I tried isolating the oil from all of the other blemishes and debris. Then I separated the oil from any other liquid. This is the oil that you found."

Arthur's father immediately spoke

*What does this all mean?"

"The two oil do not match. Someone was at the house. That must mean-"

"They were taken"

Len spoke up. It wasn't loud but it was concise. Everyone around him widened thier eyes with surprise. They were taken? By who? And when? But most importantly, to where?

The body search has now become a search and rescue.

"That's not all, when I separated the liquids from the oil, we did a test on that liquid. Most was just dirt and water. However we also found a small trace of blood."

This time it was Len who's eyes widened. They mustn't waste anymore time. Something has happened and not for the best.


A bottle of beer is thrown into the trash and the same person who tossed it goes back to making out with a small girl who had on a pink ribbon on her hair, wearing nothing except for one pink sock.

"Tina, you're such a slut"

"Shut up and satisfy me! This time go harder"
She had a face of euphoria, clearly having a magnificent time.

She has been laying on the bed for the entire day. Her routine was go to work, eat, drink alcohol and getting laid.

Although she called herself Len's girlfriend, she didn't want to be in a committed relationship. This routine of hers began a month into their relationship. She is trying to enjoy the best of life. Even during these apocalyptic days, however she doesn't have to worry about that.

A voice boomed from the darkness

"Hey, where did you guys put those three?"

The thug lifts his head while still thrusting. Trying to find the person who interrupted their love session.

"Who the fuck is asking?"

After asking the question, the lights to the room flicks on.

"Oh! Boss man! I'm sorry, uh- me and the guys took them out to the field and we took care of them"

Tina opened her eyes and looked at the man that stood by the door.

"Oh! Chris! I didn't say you could bring an extra!"

She gets out from under Chris and puts on her bra and panties. From there, she walks to the door, giving the man a seductive look.
She walks past him, she closes the bedroom door.

"You goons are useless" scolded the big broad man, "they are getting close to catching us, why was there blood at the house?!"

Although his skin pigment was already pale, Chris's face became even paler. Completely frightened by his boss's yells.

"The boy wouldn't shut up so I-"


"I told you to not leave any evidence! Now they know those three didn't die from the meteor! You better hope that they weren't buried in shallow graves" growled his boss

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