Departure, Disaster

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A large bulky man with a sharp jawline and an almost skin tight shirt slightly showing off his dense chiseled abs, exits an Uber and heads towards the door of Len and Seleste.

It was a rather hot day that day that even after only walking a minute towards their door, Arthur was already sweating. Using his smooth but strong arms to wipe off his sweat. He raises the other arm to knock on the door.


The door opens and it violently swings on its hinges. before the well groomed man could even knock, the door smacked him hard. Hitting the side of his face, pecs, biceps and foot.

"Bluah" Arthur involuntarily spat while he spun almost a full 90° and fell to the ground.

"What the- who's there?" Asked Seleste with a small box of her belongings. Since her arms were preoccupied, she had decided to kick the door open.

"" Groaned Arthur, clutching and rubbing his injured body

"ARU!!! Sweetie are you ok? Warn a woman before you stand behind her door" lectured Seleste in a humorous tone towards her boyfriend.

Placing her box down, she ran inside to look for a bandaid for her fallen hero.

Len walks out with his box and witnesses the attempted murder that occured.

"Yo Arthur! Thanks for helping us mate! What are you doing playing in dirt?"

Arthur slowly gets up, still rubbing his cheek.

"Argh, you know that I'll always help you two out cousin. When is your guy's flight?"

"We have plenty of time before we leave, we just wanted to make sure we are prepared"

The young man hold out his hand for a handshake, but Arthur grabs it and pulls in for a hug.

"Take care of yourself man. Tell my parents that I'll be back soon"

Len nods and they both walk towards the Uber with both boxes in hand. Seleste sprints out the door with a pack of gigantic bandaids. One piece is already ripped open and flying in the wind. The small energetic woman stops right in front of Arthur and slaps the huge bandaid on to his face randomly.

"There you go my Aru, do you feel better?" She smiled and opens another bandaid.

"Yeah, much better thank you"

He leans over for a kiss, but Seleste just slaps another bandaid over his lips.

"Hahahaha! You look so funny..... You know... I'm gonna miss you so much, are you sure you don't want to come back home with us?"

"I would love to, but I still have one more semester here. Please wait for me ok?"

The usually happy and cheerful girl frowns sadly, slowly holding her partners hand, places her head on to his shoulder and quivers. She quietly cried for a minute and Arthur softly runs his hands through her hair and around her neck.

"I'll be back for the holidays ok? I'll make sure to video call you everyday."

Seleste nods furiously. "Pinky promise?"

Arthur places a kiss on her forehead and wipes her tears.

"Pinky promise mi amor, i heard that there was going to be a meteor shower once you two land. Please take lots of pictures for me ok?"

The short girl, still holding Arthur's hand, nods again.


Waving good bye to Arthur, Seleste and Len board the plane and shortly afterwards they take off. The 12 hour flight felt shorter than usual, perhaps it was because of their excitement about coming back home after so long.

"I'm almost home! I can't wait to see you!"
*11:37 PM* Unread*

"Who is Chris?" The sleep deprived friend asks reading over his shoulder.

"I think it's one of the coworkers that asked her to work their shift"

Seleste's phone buzzes and she checks her phone, sipping her apple juice while doing so.

"Do you see the meteor shower yet?"
*11:40 PM* Read*

"I don't know let me check"
*11:41 PM* Read *

She shoves Len's face into his chair and looks out the window. The dark skies were clear, there was no meteor shower yet.

After some time, the plane finally lands and is parking into the terminal.

"How about now? I read that they should be viewable at around this time"
*12:12 AM* Read*

"Ok, I'll take another look."
*12:13 AM* Read*

She peeks out the window again and to her amazement, the sky was glittered beautifully with colors and streaks from the meteors.

"Oh wow Aru, this is so beautiful, it looks like fireworks"
*12:15 AM* Read*

"Wow, that really is beautiful. Maybe I should have came with you two. I wished I was there with you to enjoy it."
*12:16AM* Read*

"Wait, there seems to be one that looks brighter than the others, it looks so pretty."
*12:17 AM* Read*

"Wow, it's getting even bigger. Like unusually large."
*12:17 AM* Read*

"Really? Send me a picture of it."
*12:17 AM* Undread*

"Sese? Are you there?"
*12:20 AM* Unread*

*Missed phone call*

"Sese? What happened? Are you ok?"
*12:35 AM* Unread*

*Missed phone call*

*Missed phone call*

*Missed phone call*

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