A New Beginning

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  "Lexie Grey, a 4th year resident at Seattle Grace Mercy West has been offered a position as head of neurosurgery as Dr Derek Shepherd is taking leave." Hunt said as I stand off to the side of the stage. I see Meredith sitting in the crowd, talking to a really pretty girl I've never seen before. She must be a new med student doing a tour or something.


As I was finishing up charts at the nurses station, someone plopped their chart down right beside me, starling me a little. "Excuse me, I was doing something" I said to Jackson. "Oh sorry Lexie. There's just this new girl Meredith is showing around the hospital and I think she's a new intern here. She's annoying me so much." Jackson says annoyed as he closed his charts and put it on the shelf with the others. "New intern? We haven't even gotten the new intern class yet." I said. "Well she's getting a tour around because her brother works here." I looked at Jackson confused by what he just said. "By any chance do you know where Meredith went? I need to talk to her." I said to Jackson as I was putting my chart away. "I'll go find her and tell her you're looking for her." He smiles and walks off to go find her, I tiredly walk over to a chair and sit down. Meredith comes over to the nurses station soon after. "Hey Lex, you needed to talk?" My sister greets me. "Um yeah. Do you know that new girl that you were sitting by earlier during the lesson ceremony?" I ask. "Yeah, that's Jo Wilson. Someone's half sister who works here. She wouldn't tell me who though." She says. "Oh. Half sister? Like us?" I ask unsure. "I guess so. She's really sweet. You should meet her sometime." Meredith suggests. "Maybe, but I gotta go. I have a really big surgery tomorrow. And Jackson's scrubbing in with me." I say tiredly. "Well I'll see you tomorrow then. Goodnight Lexie." My sister says as she gives me a hug. "Goodnight Mer." I say as we break apart and I start walking towards the exit doors of the hospital.


As I woke up, I heard Meredith and Alex yelling at each other. "What did he do now?" I think to myself. "You can't just invite her into my house uninvited, Alex!!" Meredith screams. "She's my sister!! She has nowhere to go!!" Alex screams back. "Sister? Who are they talking about. I didn't know Alex had a sister." I think confused. I hear Meredith come back upstairs so I decide to get up and go ask what happened. As I'm walking out of my room, Meredith walks by. "Mer!! Why were you and Alex yelling at each other?" I ask. "Because he's trying to get his sister to live here without asking me if I was fine with it." She replies. "I never knew he had a sister." I say still confused. "Half sister. Actually. The new med student I was with yesterday. Jo." She says. "Oh, her?? I've never met her. I'll try to later after rounds I guess." I say unsurely. "Okay. She's sweet. You'll like her." Meredith says as she's walking away. I get ready and go downstairs to the car and wait for Meredith so we can go to work.

After rounds and multiple grumpy patients, I'm in a bad mood but I decided to go look for Meredith and see if I can meet the new intern girl. Soon enough, I find them in the residents lounge just talking. "This room is for residents only." I say addressing the girl who looks up at me puzzled after I say that. "Lexie!! She had permission from both Alex and I to come in here. And we both out rank you. I'm an attending if you haven't forgotten." Meredith says trying to scold me. "Oh sorry. She's just new and I don't like new." I say sourly. "Lexie I know how you don't like meeting new people, but you can't treat interns like crap. But Lex, this is Jo Wilson. A new upcoming intern here soon. And Jo, this is my sister Lexie. Half sister, but she's still my sister." Meredith introduces us. "Nice to meet you Lexie." Jo says timidly. "Yep. Same to you." I say still a little mad. "I have to go tend to some patients. I'll see you later Mer." I say as I storm out of the room with tears in my eyes. I decide to go to sit alone in a room away from everyone so I can get my anger under control. After a couple minutes I hear someone come in. I wipe my tears before they can see. It's Meredith. "Lex, you alright?" My sister asks me concerned. "Where's your stupid little intern?" I say grumpily not wanting to interact with her after our last encounter. "She's with Alex. Now are you actually okay? I'm worried about you Lex. You never act like that meeting new or becoming interns." Meredith says. " I'm fine. I've just had a really crappy day. And your intern girl sitting in the room where I get my feelings under control wasn't helping." I say as tears start to form again. "Lexie. I didn't know that. I promise I won't let her go in there anymore. Okay? Now, do you want me to stay or leave?" Meredith says trying to comfort me. "You can stay." I say softly. Hopefully needing my sister's presence so I can calm down before my meeting with Hunt before my first big surgery as head of neurosurgery. "Okay. I'm here Lexie." My sister says sweetly pulling me into a long and comforting hug. "Maybe Jo isn't as bad as I think she is. I'll try and go talk to her tomorrow after all this mess blows over and maybe I'll meet her." I think to myself as my sister hugs me.

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