Big Surgery

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"Jackson let's go we need to scrub in for our surgery!" I say rushing him through the halls to the scrub room. Just as we get there Meredith calls my name from the end of the hallway. And sure enough she has her stupid little intern following her around. "Lexie can you please let Jo watch your surgery today? I know you don't like her, but she needs to experience a complex surgery like this." Meredith pleads. I look at Jackson who seems willing to let her in. "Fine. But you will not touch anything. Understand?" I say to the timid intern standing behind my sister. She nods her head and Meredith walks off with a smile on her face. "What is up with that." I think to myself as I signal to the intern to scrub in with Jackson and I.

—In the OR—

"Lexie the patients coding!!" Jackson says, as I panic trying to get the scope out of the patients brain before it swells up. "I'm trying to get the scope out!!" I say panicking. "I'll page Meredith. You need her." Jo says quietly but loud enough I heard. Jackson stops the patient from coding as soon as Meredith arrives. "Lexie are you okay?" Meredith asks me concerned again. "Yeah. I think. I'm really scared I'm gonna kill the patient though. They have a brain bleed and I can't get the scope far enough down there to see it." I say still panicking. "Lexie why don't you let Jo try. She's trying to get into neuro." Meredith suggests. "Why? She's not even an intern yet. I'm don't want to be responsible if she kills this patient." I complain. "Lexie she won't. She's responsible, I promise she can do it." My sister states as I glare at the intern. "Okay. Fine." I agree. As Meredith leaves Jo walks up the my spot. She find the bleed within the first few seconds of putting the scope down into the brain. She's actually pretty good I have to admit. "I found the bleed and got it stopped Dr Grey." Jo says to me. "Thank you." I say smugly but kindly. After that we finish up the surgery and scrub out.


After the surgery I go to the residents lounge to get my emotions under control. I'm scared, panicked. And completely so angry at the stupid intern that did my surgery no problem. After a bit of thinking Meredith comes in. And Jo is behind her. "What the hell do you want." I say talking to the intern standing in the doorway. "Lexie she's here to help you. And so am I. We know that you're really stressed with being the head or neurosurgery now and you might need a little help. And we're here for you if you want it." My sister says kindly. "Thanks Mer. But I don't want an interns help with my problems." I say trying to get the intern to leave. "Lexie. Can I help?" Jo asks. "No. I don't want your help." I state. Meredith comes to sit down by me and puts her arm around me and hugs me. "Lexie we want to help you. Please let us." She says. "Fine. But you do not tell Alex about this." I say looking at the intern. "What do you mean" Jo says confused. "Lexie likes Alex. She doesn't want us to him that she was in here crying over her surgery going wrong." Meredith interrupts. "Oh.. okay." Jo says. "I appreciate you guys trying to help but I want to be alone. Please." I say trying to get the intern and my sister to leave. "Okay. We'll leave. Sorry Lex." Meredith says standing up and taking Jo with her out of the room. I sigh a sigh of relief and go back to my thoughts.


I'm in the locker room getting ready to leave when I hear the door open and someone comes in. I turn around and it's Jo. "What do you want? I'm about to leave" I say. " I just wanted to say how good your surgery was today. I'm very grateful I was able to watch it. You're a very good neurosurgeon, you know that?" She says. A little smile appears on my face. "Really? You mean that?" I ask. She nods her head. " I want to be a neurosurgeon one day. Like you." She says complimenting me. "You've definitely got the skills for it. You found that bleed earlier before I could." I laugh. She smiles.    "Maybe she isn't as bad as I thought." I think to myself as I'm walking out of the hospital toward the car to go home. But I ended up having to wait on Meredith till she was done with her conference meeting with Dr Hunt.

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