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It was 11 am when I woke up. And I hear everyone downstairs. "Why weren't they at work?" I questioned to myself before getting up and walking down. In the kitchen, Meredith saw me standing in the doorway of the kitchen and greeted me. "Want some breakfast?" Jo quietly asked me. "No I'm fine."  I said briefly smiling at her. And I walk back upstairs to my room. And I end up reading a book for a while.

There was a knock at my door a short while after. "Come in" I say as the door opens. It's Jo again. "Hey." She says. "Hi." I say back, and smiling at her. "What do you want?" I ask realizing that I was smiling at an intern. "Look. I get that you hate me and all that but.." she stops. "What??" I question. "I like you stupid!! I really like you!!" She says and she runs out of the room. Leaving me shocked just sitting there. "What did she just say?" I think to myself. "She likes me? Me. Like like's me?" I think again. "But why do I feel happy about that?" I think. "Oh my god.. Do I like her?!" I say out loud to myself. "Meredith!!" I call out and my sister comes running into my room. Before she can say anything I blurt out "I like Jo!!" She just stands there shocked. "Okay.. I wasn't expecting that but that's fine. That's cute actually. You guys would be so cute together." She says. And she comes over and hugs me. This honestly might not be so bad after all.

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