Meeting of the Moms Pt.1

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*Erica arrives back home in Miami to make sure everything is fine before Cyn and her mom arrive....

Erica: Ma I need to talk to you......

Sonia: What's wrong sweetie?

Erica: Well Yesterday.....*Getting cut off*

Sonia: What you do Jazzy?

Erica: Ma why I always gotta be the one who did something?

Sonia: Because I know you Girl you always doing something.....

Erica: Well I did Ma and I don't know if Cyn's mom still likes me...

Sonia: Jazzy!!!!! Spill it......

Erica: Ok Ma....Well long story short....we went to Cyn's Mom's house and out of nowhere her brother hits her so You know I ain't going for that...

Sonia: What you do Jasmine? I don't like where this is headed..

Erica: I did what I was supposed to do and stood up for my girl...

Sonia: And how exactly did you do that?

Erica: Well I helped her up from the ground then he hit me and when Cyn was helping me up he hit her again so I.....

Sonia: Oh Lord You what?

Erica: I pulled my gun out.


Erica: I know ma...but the bad part I don't remember what happened and I'm afraid to tell Cyn...

Sonia: What do you remember honey? (Looking Concerned)

Erica: I just remember being hit and hearing King crying (As she starts to hum and rock.

Sonia: (Immediately wanted to break down and cry but knew she had to stay strong for Erica) Take Your time sweetie....

Erica: (Tearing up as she sees the tears in her mom's eyes) I don't know Ma I just blanked out and Cyn kept telling me that I was saying something about Raul or something I really don't remember...... Ma I'm scared...

Sonia: Of what sweetie?

Erica: That my past is going to ruin my future....

Sonia: What did Cyn say?

Erica: That she wanted to go to therapy.

Sonia: And what did you tell her? I think that would be a good idea.

Erica: I told her I would but I wanted to talk to you and her mom first....

Sonia: But Why us instead of a therapist?

Erica: Because Ma you always know what to tell me and make everything better.

Sonia: Yes Honey because I'm your mom and it may feel like that but I can't heal you from this sweetie I just keep putting a ace bandage on something that needs a cast.

Erica: What You mean Ma?

Sonia: Means I got the tools to heal you temporary but you don't have a sprain which I can't go out get an ace bandage and Bam your healed Your broken inside my dear and I don't have the access or tools to make you a cast and give you the kind of treatment you need to heal properly you need someone who has that knowledge.

Erica: Ma you do great with me your fine...

Sonia: Erica listen to me sweetie I'm not fine I can't help you heal because I need help myself..... (Breaking down Crying)

Erica: Help with what Ma?

Sonia: To learn to let go of the guilt I have for all this pain You endured and to know I couldn't help you then and still can't....What kind of mother does that make me?

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