Premiere Pt. 2

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Reporter: So Erica it's gonna be interesting to see how you and Rich Story plays out.

Erica: Me and Rich?

Reporter: Yes....Rich Told Us how you forgave him for giving your song away but it must of been short lived because your with this fine young lady now...

Cyn: Wait.... What?

Erica: I don't know what your talking about.

Reporter: Yes Rich was here a few minutes ago bragging and boasting on how you two got hot and steamy this season and how you finally forgave him for his wrong doings and your the only woman for him and....."Getting Cut Off"

Erica: Thank you......'Walking Off still holding Cyn's hand"

Cyn: I'm sick of this we are getting to the bottom of this tonight i'm sick of this shit.....Where his ass at?

Erica: Cyn Chill this is not the time or place.

Cyn: Why are you not upset Erica?

Erica: I am Cyn but I also know how this work.

Cyn: How What works Erica?

Erica: Rich coming on the red carpet trying to make himself relevant by mentioning me....I'm over it.

Cyn: That's all it is Erica?

Erica: Nothing More....It's all about us....

Cyn: Ok Erica.....But if so much as breathe my way i'm gonna go off....

Erica: Chill Babe....

Cyn: I'm serious Babe...

Erica: Cyn the whole point in us coming were you to enjoy yourself because I didn't want to com now if your gonna spend all night worrying about someone who dosent matter we can leave.

Cyn: Your right babe....."Taking a deep breath"

'Cyn and Erica enters the party room where everyone is and find their seat after mingling with a few people.....

Amina: Hey Boo.....'Hugging Erica'

Erica: Hey my butterfly..

Amina: Cyn can I steal her for a minute?

Cyn: Sure....

Erica: Babe i'll be right back...."Kissing her cheek"

Cyn: Ok Baby...

Amina: Ya'll so cute... "Walking off with Erica"

Erica: So What's up Amina I Know you?

Amina: I just wanted you to know that Rich is doing Mad interviews about you and how ya'll together.

Erica: What? See I told Cyn I did not want to come.

Amina: Just Like You know me Mena I know You so what's up?

Erica: Man I ain't seen Rich since we stop filming or talked to him....

Amina: Come on Mena what's the real deal cause last I heard you wasn't even speaking to him not he's professing his love for you.

Erica: It ain't "Getting cut off"

Rah: "Running in the hallway" ERICA YOU BETTER GET IN THERE NOW!!!!

Erica: Oh Shit....."Running in the other room.........

Rich: WHO THE FUCK THIS BITCH THINK SHE IS? "Getting Held back by Peter"

Cyn: WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU BITCH DOLLAS!!!!! "Getting Held Back By Tara"

Peter: Man Chill Rich. "Still Holding Him"

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