Lonely Days of a Winter Wonderland

45 22 23


Some days are lonely days.

Some days I feel so alone, so without purpose, so empty.

I don't know what to say because this is one of those days. 

When I am with my friends on lonely days I feel as though I have been left outside in the frigid cold. 

Left outside in the brisk snow falling from the grey winter sky.

Left outside to peer in the window of a cozy, brick house, all of my friends warm and happy inside.

Laughing, joking, minds light and hearts warm.

My head is heavy, my heart weighs about a thousand pounds, and my feet even more. 

My footsteps make loud scraping noises as my soaked feet drag through the ground.

I am cold, so cold,

The sharp wind pierces through me, howling in the evening sky. 

If only my friends would let me inside,

If only I would let me inside.

On my lonely days I am transported to this snowy wonderland of solitude,

But I always make it back to reality.

 I gaze up at the sky and the shimmering snowflakes fall in my eyes,

As I breathe my breath mists in the glacial air,

I collapse on the ground weighed down by my head and heart, 

I lay resting on a soft blanket of snow. 

I start moving my drenched, icy arms and legs, making a snow angel.

I smile despite not being inside the warm house.

I can find happiness by myself too. 

I slowly close my eyes at peace,

Alas, I rest in the winter snow.

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