Unveiling Destiny

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The Next Day ☀️

Elysia woke with the memory of again seeing the same dream of when she met Thornvald for the first time.

She felt a strange mix of emotions—gratitude for Thornvald's help, curiosity about his true nature, and a lingering sense of unease about her role in freeing him.

After breakfast, Elysia found herself drawn back to the library.
She wandered among the towering shelves, lost in thought.

As she rounded a corner, she spotted a familiar creature—a small, cute being she had met in the garden a few days ago.

The creature, with its big eyes and fluffy tail, looked up at her and chirped happily, leaping onto her shoulder.
"Hello there," she said with a smile, gently stroking its soft fur.
"I think I'll call you Pippin."

Pippin chirped in approval, nestling closer to her. With Pippin perched comfortably on her shoulder, Elysia continued her exploration.

Her attention was drawn to a book on a lower shelf, its cover adorned with strange symbols.
She pulled it out and opened it, her eyes scanning the pages filled with ancient script and illustrations.

As she read, a particular passage caught her eye.
It described a powerful being known as the King Beast, bound by magical chains that could only be removed by his destined bride.

Elysia's heart skipped a beat as she read the words, memories of the that night flooding back.

She remembered the moment she had promised Thornvald that she would do anything if he saved her.

His chains had seemed like a joke, but she had somehow been able to break them.

Flashback :

Elysia's vision blurred, and she felt the cold grip of terror tighten around her heart.
But as the men reached her, a deep, rumbling growl echoed through the forest, causing them to halt in their tracks.

The air seemed to crackle with an otherworldly energy, and from the shadows emerged a towering figure, his presence both fearsome and awe-inspiring.

He was unlike anything Elysia had ever seen—a big man with little marks on both sides of his head but with eyes that glowed an intense, otherworldly blue.
Chains bound his wrists, glinting eerily in the dim light filtering through the trees.

The men hesitated, their confidence wavering in the face of this unexpected adversary.
"What do you want?" one of them sneered, trying to mask his fear.

The beast's voice was a low, menacing rumble. "Leave her be."

The men exchanged uncertain glances before the leader spoke again, his voice laced with false bravado.
"And who are you to tell us what to do?"

The beast took a step forward, and the ground seemed to tremble beneath his feet. "I am Thornvald, king of beasts. And she," he pointed to Elysia, "is under my protection."

The men faltered, but their leader sneered, reaching for a weapon.
Before he could draw it, Thornvald raised a hand, and a sudden wave of energy surged through the forest, knocking the men off their feet.
They scrambled to their feet, fear now evident in their eyes.

"Go," Thornvald commanded, his voice brooking no argument. "Before I change my mind."

The men fled, disappearing into the darkness of the forest, their retreat marked by the sounds of their panicked footsteps.

Elysia remained on the ground, her body trembling from the adrenaline and pain.

Thornvald approached her, his imposing figure now casting a protective shadow over her.
"Are you hurt?" he asked, his voice softer now, filled with concern.
Elysia nodded weakly. "I... I think so. My back..."
Thornvald knelt beside her, his chains clinking softly.
He reached out, but before he could touch her, he hesitated, the chains serving as a reminder of his own bindings.
"I can help you," he said quietly. "But first, these chains... I am bound by them, unable to use my full strength."

Elysia looked at the chains, her fear momentarily overshadowed by curiosity. "How... how can they be removed?"

Thornvald sighed, a note of resignation in his voice. "No matter what you do, you won't be able to open them. Only one particular person can open them."

Despite the pain, Elysia managed a weak smile.
"Well, I suppose I can give it a little try. After all, you did save my life."

Thornvald stared at her in shock as she reached out, her fingers brushing against the chains. T
o his astonishment, the chains began to dissolve at her touch, disintegrating into nothingness.
He flexed his hands, feeling the rush of power and freedom.

"You... you did it," he murmured, still in disbelief.

Elysia gave a small, shaky laugh. "I guess I did."

With a simple snap of his fingers, Thornvald turned his attention to her attackers.

The men, now mere silhouettes in the distance, were instantly consumed by a wave of energy, their screams abruptly silenced.

Elysia looked up at Thornvald, her expression a mixture of awe and gratitude and somewhere it was fear as well.

"Thank you," she whispered.

Thornvald nodded, his expression softening. "You are safe now."

Back to the present :

The realization hit her with the force of a thunderbolt—she was his bride, the one destined to free him.

Elysia closed the book, her mind racing. She glanced at Pippin, who chirped softly, sensing her distress.

"Pippin, what does this mean for me?" she whispered.
The creature nuzzled her cheek, offering silent comfort.

Elysia took a deep breath, determination hardening within her.
She would confront Thornvald, demand answers, and uncover the truth about her role in this strange new world.

With Pippin by her side, she felt a renewed sense of purpose. She would face whatever lay ahead with courage and resolve, ready to embrace her destiny in the Kingdom of Arathia.

                           *:..。o○ ○o。..:*

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