Chapter One

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Elysia's POV :

I woke up from the noises my family is making in the living room.

"Ahh! Can't you all let me sleep peacefully for once" I scream.

But guess what they are acting like i didn't say anything. Well it's their daily routine.

And like that my precious sleep is gone.

I stretched my arms and got up from the bed walking toward the living room.

There is see Dad, Mr. Aldric, and my Grandma, Mrs Elowen, watching TV. Like really, this early. Then i move towards the kitchen and see my mother, Mrs Seraphina, making the breakfast and my brother, Finnian, helping her. I smile and walk toward my mother and hug her from behind.

Mom : Looks like the sleeping princess is finally awake.

Me : Oh come on mom you know i slept late yesterday.

Mom : I know i was just teasing you. *hugs back* How was your sleep?

Me : Good till i heard the noises. *pout*

Mom : *chuckle* My baby when will you grow up huh?

Me : *smiles widely* Never.

My eyes move to my brother who is standing there with a pout and crossing his arms.
Okay so now he's again jealous. Hehe.

Me : Mom do you smell something burning?

Mom : *quickly looks at the food on the gas* No it's not.

I chuckle because i know she didn't get me and that means I'm safe.

I move towards ny brother who quickly turns towards the counter where he continues cutting the fruits. I chuckle and wrap and arma around his shoulders. He's younger than me but taller and he never leaves a chance to tease me about it.

Me : What happened my sweet mushroom?

He doesn't look at me.

Me : Oh come on, i called you sweet now look at me nah.

He still doesn't look at me so i choose the last option. He's the one who made me do it. Huh.

I tickle him. Hahaha

He first tries to control but then starts laughing his ass off while trying to push me away from him. But nah I'm not gonna stop till he talks to me.

Finnian : Okay okay stop. I'm talking now. Ahha stoopppp.

He whines so i stop satisfied.

Me : Now that's my mushroom.

I smile and start walking out of the kitchen but suddenly my brother holds me from behind and starts tickling me.

Me : Oh my haha gosh. Stop Fin ahaha. Stoppp.

He finally stopped and i took a breathe of relief. I was about to get him again but i hear mom.

Mom : Will you both let me work or not? My god! No one even helps me in this house.

I look at Fin and find him looking at mom with shocked look. I giggle and leave.

I come back after getting fresh.

We had our breakfast and i couldn't help but notice how Fin was ignoring mom. I secretly giggle not wanting to get leactured in the morning.

After sometime ~

Me and Fin are in the balcony looking at mom who is trying to control our new brought lamb. This one is really aggressive but mom knows how to control them.

When the lamb ran towards other direction getting away from mom we laughed. Mom looked at us with pissed face and we made a straight face.

She finally got him but then something weird happened.

From lamp a monster like figure came out, a familiar monster,  bringing a tide of emotions i thought i had left behind.

I shook my head because i know it's again just my delusion as everyone says. But the monster is not going anywhere. He looks directly towards me. His eyes completely black looking at me with piercing gaze.

I visibly flinch when i hear his voice for the second time ever.

"I'm coming to get you and take you. I will be coming soon."

He says just these two sentences and disappears.

I feel my knees giving up and i fall onto the floor.

My brother looks at me worridly.

Fin : What happened? Are you alright.

No I'm not. But i feel like i forgot how to speak. No words are leaving my mouth.

My mother and father also came rushing towards us after hearing Fin's shouts.

They shake me, tap my face but its like I'm in some other dimension. I can hear and see them but can't react. In my mind only one thing is ringing He's back.

Finally i was able to say a word before getting unconscious

"He is coming... "

                           *:..。o○ ○o。..:*

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