The Morning Ritual

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Next Morning 🌞

Elysia was jolted awake by a soft knock on the door.
Groggy and disoriented, she blinked against the morning light filtering through the ornate curtains.

"Come in," she called out, her voice still heavy with sleep.

The door opened, and a procession of maids entered the room.

Leading them was the same maid with fish scales on her cheeks, holding a breathtakingly beautiful royal gown.
The fabric shimmered with every movement, adorned with intricate embroidery and delicate jewels.

Another maid followed with a pair of exquisite silver heels, their elegance undeniable.

More maids trailed behind, carrying various items fit for a queen's morning routine—luxurious toiletries, cosmetics, and accessories.

Elysia sat up, her brow furrowed in confusion.
"What is all this?" she asked, her voice tinged with surprise.

The lead maid, whose scales caught the light and shimmered iridescently, bowed slightly. "It is the king's order, my lady. You are to be dressed and prepared each day in attire befitting a queen."

Elysia's eyes widened.
"A queen? But I'm not—"

The maid interrupted gently but firmly.
"It is the king's command. Please, you must get ready. If you delay, you may be late for breakfast with the king."
"Please step in the shower so we can start showering you.",  The maid continued.

Elysia hesitated, feeling a mix of indignation and helplessness.
"I can bathe on my own," she insisted.

A second maid, with striking reptilian eyes that blinked from the corners rather than the top and bottom, stepped forward.
"Forgive us, my lady, but we must follow the king's orders. We are to assist you in every way."

Elysia's gaze shifted to the third maid, who had large, elephant-like ears that flapped gently as she moved, making her presence somehow comforting yet surreal. This maid held a tray of ornate combs and brushes.

Realizing she had no choice, Elysia reluctantly agreed.
She allowed the maids to lead her into the opulent bathroom, where they filled a large, ornate tub with steaming water infused with fragrant oils and petals.
They assisted her with her bath, their hands gentle but efficient, making her feel both pampered and imprisoned.

After her bath, they helped her into the stunning gown.
The fabric felt luxurious against her skin, and the weight of the dress reminded her of the burden she now carried.
They styled her hair into an elaborate updo and applied delicate makeup, transforming her reflection into that of a regal queen.

When they finished, Elysia stared at herself in the mirror. She barely recognized the woman staring back at her.
The transformation was astonishing—she looked every bit the part of a queen, but inside, she felt like a captive.

Another maid, with fish scales on her chin, entered the room, bowing slightly.

"My lady, the king has already arrived at the dining hall. He awaits your presence."

With a deep breath, Elysia nodded and followed the maids through the winding corridors of the palace.
Her heart pounded with each step, the weight of her new reality pressing down on her.
As they approached the dining hall, she steeled herself, determined to face whatever awaited her with dignity and resolve.

The grand dining hall was just as she remembered—imposing and filled with an air of tension.
King Thornvald Draconis sat at the head of the table, his eyes lighting up with amusement as she entered.
He rose, gesturing for her to take the seat beside him.
"Good morning, Elysia," he greeted, his voice smooth and commanding.
"You look exquisite."

She took her seat, her back straight and her head held high. "Thank you," she replied curtly, refusing to let him see the turmoil inside her.

The king studied her for a moment, a smile playing on his lips. "You are adapting well to your new role."

Elysia met his gaze, her expression unyielding. "I am here because I have no choice."

Thornvald's smile widened. "Choice is a luxury few can afford. But you, my dear, have the potential for greatness. Embrace it."

As breakfast was served, Elysia's mind raced with thoughts of her brother and the uncertain future that lay ahead.
She knew she had to play her part for now, but she vowed to find a way to save her brother and reclaim her freedom. No matter what it took, she would not be like this forever. She knows what promise she made to the king that night but she won't let it affect her brother.

                           *:..。o○ ○o。..:*

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