Leyla was studying software engineering, and she was skilled in hacking. Even though hacking wasn't taught anywhere, she had developed her skills when she and an old friend were planning to leave Turkey. But the devil had come between them and separated them.

After the woman left, Leyla started coding the software she needed to finish and submit. It was exam week, and on top of that, she had an assignment. To avoid getting too stressed, she didn't think much about it and began coding with "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim." Most of the time, when she said bismillah, these thoughts would cross her mind: "I begin my work in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. I undertake this task with His command and for His sake. He has granted me the strength and capability to complete this task, and without His support, I wouldn't be able to do it."

With the blessing of bismillah, she finished the assignment without even realizing how. However, when she wrote all the codes, it went wrong. So she began to pray.

"Oh Allah, show me my mistake," she prayed silently because the code was so long that she might not spot the error even if she checked it line by line.

😇 "Never mind, let's get some fresh air; there's serenity in the sky and humility in the earth."

She definitely needed that serenity. She was stressed, and she was getting stressed about being stressed. She was trying to achieve reliance on Allah (tawakkul) and contentment with fate, which are not as easy as they seem.

Leaving her computer, she covered her head with a hijab, as she planned to go out to the balcony. A drone was flying in the air. Leyla had been watched for hours. She couldn't help but think about who was doing this, why, and what they would do with the footage.


She looked down from the balcony, but no one was there. A little later, she was sure no one would be affected by what she was about to do. "Bismillah," she said and started throwing empty pots at the drone, but the drone wouldn't stay still.

She took a sheet from inside and covered all the glass areas with it.

"ARE YOU SOME KIND OF PERVERT? BUT THERE'S NOTHING FOR YOU HERE!" she yelled one last time at the drone and went back inside. She collapsed onto the couch in exhaustion. This exhaustion stemmed from the thoughts in her head and the complicated feelings in her heart.

😈 "If they post those videos online, who knows who will see them?"

😇 "She wasn't dressed inappropriately; only her head was uncovered. And she didn't know she was being watched. Leyla is innocent."

🧠 "I should have been more careful. Just because I'm on the 23rd floor, I shouldn't have assumed no one could see me and left my hair uncovered."

The devil was laughing because Leyla had made herself anxious and didn't realize how silly her thoughts were. At that stressful moment, she received a message on her phone. It was from her sister, who she tried to love but who made her life miserable.

Zehra: We're going on a trip for a while, don't worry about us.

Me: What a trip?

Zehra: She can't stay still, so what should've I done?

Me: How long will you be gone?


Leyla sent more messages, but they remained unread.

😇 "Maybe her battery died, and she can't reply."

😈 "She's definitely kidnapping my daughter. My daughter has already been through so much because of that woman."

😇 "They said they're going on a trip."

🧠 "Whatever it is, she should have answered me."

She sat at her computer because she suddenly decided to hack her sister's phone. Or you could call this maternal instinct. Leyla planned to hack Zehra's phone to make her change her mind. In short, she was knocking on Allah's mercy door through means.

Relying on Allah requires using means and leaving the outcome to Him. Reliance on Allah is not about doing nothing and just trusting Him.

She tried to hack the phone but found that Zehra's phone line was out of the system.

"Oh Allah, protect my daughter," she pleaded.

The distress and anguish she felt were indescribable. Nothing was going right for Leyla at that moment. Her code wasn't working, some pervert might have watched her without a headscarf, possibly even filmed her, and worst of all, her beloved daughter had been kidnapped. Just as she thought things couldn't get worse, the doorbell rang. It was the police. Five armed officers were waiting, ready for action. Leyla was both nervous and very aware of her guilt when she saw the armed police through the house's control panel.

"Open the door, Leyla Yildiz! Or we'll break in!"

Leyla knew her crime and knew there was no escape, so she opened the door. She had hacked the country's system a little to send a message abroad; what's the big deal? It's not like she had killed anyone! When she opened the door, the police mercilessly grabbed her and handcuffed her.

🧠 "Yes, Leyla Yildiz, you are officially a criminal."

She trusted in Allah. Even in that seemingly helpless moment, Allah could vindicate her. The same Lord who provided for us from unexpected places every day could save Leyla in unexpected ways.

🧠 "My Lord, You are great. Hasbunallahi wa nimal vakeel."

She kept this phrase on her lips until the interrogation. Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) had recited this zikr while being thrown into the fire. His end had turned out well.

Things heated up in the second part, I know. But it was necessary to illustrate reliance on Allah (tawakkul).

I hope you liked it.

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