17 | Noah

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It seems to happen in slow motion, but also in the blink of an eye. It is out of my body, like I am watching it happen from above, unable to do anything other than walk towards him, be as close to him as possible. Dylan turns around and his gaze dips down to my mouth before landing on my eyes again. Before I even know what I am doing, I lean forward, pressing my lips to his, bringing our bodies flush.

"No," Dylan says but his mouth says otherwise as he returns the kiss. It's just a brush of lips against lips, but he's reciprocating it like he can't help it.

"Yes," I smile into the kiss. Then bite his bottom lip.

That flips some switch in him and Dylan pushes me to the wall, but he comes along with me, caging me in with his hard body. "This is a mistake and you know it."

"So why did you kiss me earlier?"

"I liked the way you looked mesmerised by the snow. I liked the way snowflakes melted on your skin." I listen to him, this version of Dylan that admits so freely what's in his mind and I want to bottle all those words up and carry them with me forever. "But it was a moment of weakness. We should leave it in the past."

"I don't think we should. Why, when it felt so good. Just once in your life do something spontaneous."

I shove Dylan's back against the door, pinning his body with mine as my lips dive in, sealing with his. I take his hand in mine and press it firmly against my crotch and he moans into another kiss. "You feel what you do to me?"

My tongue slides into his mouth, and the kiss quickly turns heated and handsy–his palms drag down my sides, over the dip in my waist before reaching around me and grabbing my ass, pulling me into him. Then in an eager move I don't see coming, Dylan presses his palms flat on my shoulders as he shoves me to my knees. The breath whooshes out of me as I watch him unclasping his belt buckle and sliding the zipper down, pulling himself out. Oh my god. The size of him, fuck... He's hung like nobody else I've seen before–but I crave it with hunger beyond anything I'd imagined.

Giving his length a few pumps, a smirk tilts on his lip before he says, "Well, what are you waiting for?"

I look up at him for a moment to make sure this is real, and his eyes are heavy-lidded and dark from arousal. He is so fucking hot when he's like this, just need and unrestricted desire. Smacking his hand away, I replace it with my own, admiring his powerfully muscled thighs. Dylan is, all in all, overwhelming but there is no other place I'd rather be than right here, on my knees for this man. The velvety hard feel of his cock in my grip is enough to make my head swim, and I waste no time at all leaning in and flicking my tongue against the tip, gathering the delicious precum pooling for me there. I start working his dick in a languid twist and squeeze action from base to tip, and a grunt bursts from his throat.

"Enough," his voice is barely recognizable, glaring down at me. "I want to fuck your mouth so damn bad it hurts. Is that what you wanted to hear?" Dylan grits through his teeth like it pains him.

"Yes," I breathe. "So fucking take me already."

"Open," the tone of Dylan's voice means it is not a request. I comply and he fills my mouth sending a spark of pleasure up my spine. I gag around the thick intrusion but quickly recover.

His head hits the back of the door as he groans, and I relish in the way his hand jumps out, gripping my shoulder with force as I sink farther, taking more of him into my mouth. His length thumps against my tongue as it twitches, salty flavor hitting my taste buds as I work up to a steady rhythm. My mind is hazy, my heart thrashing around in my chest, and my dick is so, so hard.

Unable to stand it any longer, I pull my cock out, stroking it with fervor as his heated gaze watches me. His eyes alternate between the way his dick is disappearing behind my lips and the hand that's working myself over. It's too much. This sight of him turned inside out, the scent of him in my nostrils, the taste of him on my tongue. I can hardly hold on, and I know he's getting close too.

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