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It was afternoon and I didn't have anything to do at all.

All I did was roam and amble in the Palace. I wanted to try something new apart from reading books, eating, sleeping and repeating.

Since Jungkook was mostly busy with his work and duties, I asked Yeonjun to take me outside to get some fresh air. It's better than staying inside all day. For that, he summoned me to a stable which I didn't know existed there.

Now, I stood on grass that stretched into an endless field. There was no tree in sight and this field was surprisingly not purple but green.

In my sight, I saw gardeners cutting the long grass. The sky was clear without any clouds, stretched like a light blue sheet.

I was not going to lie, but my eyes were tired of seeing the same purple colours; hence the greenery was a soothing change.

The atmosphere felt fresh, like when we stepped out of a steamy shower. The soil scent lingered in the air, for it had been raining a bit.

Some small and soft neighs brought me back from my trance.

I looked at him, who pulled three horses with their three leads - one was black as coal, the other was white as snow, and the third was brown as a chocolate cake.

All of them gleamed with their different decadent beauty. Their hair looked smooth and as soft as a fluffball.

Apparently, I'm totally confused over the fact that he chose this place to summon me instead of taking me outside.

Well, this is technically outside...

This is a part of the castle, the back area.

He stopped them at a good four feet distance. "To wander out in the streets and city, you can ride any horse you like. They are the newest ones, recently imported from overseas."

He explained it briefly as the great assistant he is.

Three of them were captivating; it would be a shame not to acknowledge this. The deep black eyes were a thing they all shared the same.

"Umm...you do know that I haven't even seen a real horse in my life. Don't expect me to know how to ride them." I casually stated facts, hesitant that I would be kicked off by one of them.

It not only scared me but also built anxiety somehow.

"Don't worry, your Highness. They won't do anything." I squinted my eyes at him.

"You sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"You seriously sure?"

"Yes, your Highness. I'm seriously sure."

Sighing, I opened my mouth once again but shut it the next second.

The next thing I knew, I was staring at the white horse who looked ethereal. It almost looked like a pegasis. The white colour which it wore, resembled peace and softness.

The creature itself looked gentle. He left the lead of the white horse making panic surge into me. "Go ahead, your Highness."

With uncertainty, I slowly forward my hand. The horse seemed to take a hint and it brought its head closer.

The white horse's majestic head inclined with my hand, its soft muzzle touched me. The gentle touch sent a thrill in my body, as I felt a deep connection with it.

The skin was like silk under my fingertips. I traced the curves of its nose and the shape of its eyes. It leaned deeper in my touch.

The horse's breath was warm and its whuffles were like greetings to me.

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