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After Christmas and New Year, Dimsun got back on writing and playing. They booked a studio to have different jam sessions, so that Vani could try and fit her lyrics with the music.
When Shell's kid arrived with Sophie, the whole band took a break. Vani grabbed her phone and saw two missing calls from Jordan, she went outside and called him back. "What's all this need to call me?" Vani joked when Jordan answered the phone.
"Sorry, where you busy?" he asked.
She smiled knowing he wouldn't have seen it through the phone. "No, we are trying some stuff in the studio"
"You have to go?" he asked.
"No, we are on a break, I'm outside..." she said. "somebody planted tulips, but it's too hot and they're not blossoming..." she said so carelessly. "sorry, got distracted. You wanted to tell me something?" she asked.
"Yeah... about... going out, ye" he said shy.
She smiled again. "Where are you taking me?" she asked sounding truly happy about it.
"I was thinking about the beach... you could bring the dogs... or whatever you want, it's oka-"
She cut him short. "I would love it... and the dogs too"
"Perfect," he said. "Is Thursday good?"
"Yeah, I'll see you on Thursday"

After three days of intense music writing, that involved: listening to different music consistently and reading as much as possible; the big Thursday finally arrived. Jordan and Vani decided to go in the morning and by nine, her arrived at her house. "What are you doing here?" she asked smiling.
She was only wearing a peach bikini, that exalted perfectly her tan. She made him come inside and the dogs jumped on him, luckily he was tall and bulky enough to not fall. "I just need to find my sundress and I'm ready" she said walking around the living room, throwing things in the air. "Sting likes to hide my things whenever I take 'em out"
Jordan tried to look away, feeling like he was violating her privacy if he accidentally let his eyes fall on her breast or her lower back.
"Fucking finally" Vani said relieved when seeing her white sundress. She quickly put it in and grabbed her beach bag. "Hey, the dogs make a mess in the car, we could use mine" she said.
"It's okay, I already thought of that, I put the backseats down and put some blankets" he said.
Vani's eyes sparkled when looking at the caring man she had in front of her. After letting the dogs in the car, she sat on the passenger seat next to Jordan.
He handed her his phone. "Put some music on, you're the expert" he said.
She felt weird to hold his phone so freely, usually the people she went out with would never let her keep their phone unlocked without supervision.
Vani chose to put the Velvet Underground, as she felt like listening to it. She then looked through Jordan's playlists, to see what he liked.

As soon as they got out of the car and Jordan let the dogs out, they ran all together to the beach, except for Poop, who stayed sit looking up to Jordan. "Should I be running after them?" he asked calmly to Vani, seeing how calm she was about it.
She smiled. "No, they'll if I call them" she said. "You don't want to go with them, baby?" she asked the brown dog with a silly voice. "God, I don't know how you did that, he's completely in love"
Jordan smiled looking down to his new friend. "He's got good taste, ay" he smiled petting Poop.
The two went to bury their feet in the hot sand, while the dog ran to his non-biological siblings, to play in the salty water.
Avani sat down on her towel, as Jordan was still laying his, next to hers. "I was wondering something..." she said.
"Go on" he said sitting down, with his arms resting in his knees.
"How can you be so far from your family, if you love them that much? You love rugby more than your family?" she asked him.
"I love rugby... but it's different," he said. "it's more like I'm doing this for my family, that's what makes me do it"
"I always wondered what was going on in players' head," she said. "I believe that you could love something so much, but the physical and mental challenges it can put you in its devastating"
"Isn't making music similar? I mean you guys are gone for months, playing over and over the same songs and then having people care more about your life than theirs"
Vani looked at him. "Yeah, I guess I'll just retire if I ever get bored by this life" she said. "but the fact I'm in with my best friends is less heavy to take"

The two kept talking until midday without noticing. Vani had packed lunch for the dogs and for her and Jordan. "I'm not that good of a cooker, I just thought pasta was the easiest thing to bring" she said. "You should try eat something made by Shell, he is crazy good in the kitchen"
"I hope he's not like Skin," he said. "he burnt too many things at the barbecue"
Vani smiled amused. "No, he thinks he is good, but Shell is actually good. He's got a real talent... he could have made a great chef"
"What would you have done instead of music?" he asked curious.
The dogs finished eating right away and rested after playing for hours on the towels Vani had put for them. "I always wanted to be a vet, since I was a kid" she said. "I love animals more than humans... what about you?"
"I guess I never really knew, rugby came before I could choose something else and here I am" he said.

After lunch the dogs were ready to play again and Vani and Jordan joined them in the water, throwing to each other the ball, making the dogs go crazy after it. Sting ended the game catching the ball flying from Jordan to Vani and swimming away with it. "Pussy," she said laughing and splashing him. "are you even good at rugby?"
He began splashing Vani back, raising the water almost over her head. "That's not a good, that's a police officer right there, ay" he smiled.
Whenever Jordan smiled, Vani could not help it, but smile back. He had the body of warrior, but whenever he showed his teeth, folding his lips, he became a sweet guy.
Finally Vani had found someone whose moral values are not just money and sex, but something more. Vani knew Jordan was an amazing person to date, just like she knew that she was not. She almost felt bad knowing that Jordan was so interested in her.

When the sun was setting, Jordan and Vani came out of the water. He rushed a bit his walk to get to the towels first and wrap one around Vani's dripping wet skin.
They sat next to each other on a single towel and watched the gloaming, Vani got closer to him and rested her head on his wide shoulder; he put his left arm over her shoulders.
Jordan was looking down to Vani, but she noticed just when she looked up to him. She softly smiled and caught him off guard with a kiss. She started slowly and almost shyly, but once she gained enough confidence se put her hand on his sharp jaw. Jordan lowered his hand to her back, to pull her closer to him. Jordan was gentle, something that Vani was adoring; just like he liked how she took the lead of the kiss.
The dark had by then joined them, with the moon lighting the sky. "I think it's time to go" Jordan suggested.
Vani jokingly sighed. "Alright, I'll bring my heavy bag and three dogs to the car" she rolled her eyes.
They both stood up. Jordan took the bag from her hand. "Come on, move your butt, it's nine thirty, we should have already been there" he said going to the door.
"I was joking, I can bring the bag" she said to him.
"Mine's lighter, I can take 'em both"
The two began walking down the street, with the dogs following them like their shadow.
During the drive home Vani put softer music, Jordan slid his hand on her right tight without meeting her eyes.
Jordan did not stay at her house for the night and left her with a kiss by the door.

After a simple dinner Vani threw herself on the couch and got on her phone. Sting jumped on it right after her, while Pepper and Poo laid on the carpet.
A page on Instagram tagged her in a post, portraying her and Jordan at the beach; the caption read: 'Vani famous Aussie rocker spotted with rugby player at the beach'.
Vani could not believe how fast they were, the article read little to nothing, from saying where they were to who Jordan was.
A text arrived from Jordan to the girl: 'They took pics of us today'.

Vanish// Jordan RikiWhere stories live. Discover now