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From Sydney the newlywed couple, the Notts, moved to Brisbane, due to Henry's job and bringing along his wife. They found months before a nice house, in a nice neighbourhood; in fact the Rothwells invited them home for dinner the day they arrived, so that they would rest for the evening. There was also the three couples living in the houses in front of them: the Kellets, Lanes and Fleers.
The neighbours' house was slightly messy, but without looking filthy. The dinning table was decorated with coloured flowers and candles, far enough to each other to not burn the whole place down.
The first to arrive were the Kellet: Sharon was pregnant of eight months, just about to be born. Simon seemed ready to have a child, he was a calm and rational man, who seemed to have everything under control. And the two loved themselves endlessly. Later also the Lanes and Fleers joined them.
They all sat down next to their partner. Only the heads of the table were not set. Loren Fleer started asking the new neighbours about their life. "I work as an associate in a company from here and last year they promoted me and moved me to the head office" Henry Nott explained, cutting his food and looking around to everybody while talking. "Kelly's family is also from Brisbane, so it was a quick decision to make"
The wife joined in the conversation, finally letting his husband eat. "Yeah, they've been a great help to find the house and tomorrow they will help us get everything out of the boxes" the lady softly laughed and looked at her food, meaning she had done talking. Her hair was of a copper red and her face was stormed with freckles on her cheeks.
Sharon Kellet caught quickly the end of Kelly's speech. "I think you'll like it here, it's quiet and most of the times safe" the woman wearing a simple dress of a blue that looked perfect with her dark skin. She wore no jewellery, unless for her fingers, in which had three rings in total, one being the wedding ring.
Jacob Rothwell scoffed a laugh. "Why'd you mean 'most of the times'?" he asked mimicking the quotation marks with his fingers.
"It's not that safe, mate" William Lane jumped in the conversation. "there's a dealer selling just about the corner every night" he protested.
"Then why don't you just call the coppers?" Jacob fought back.
William smiled cheekily. "...'Cause I'm a costumer" he admitted.
Everybody tried to hold back a laugh, when Kelly and Henry did not care. "Mate, do you want that as first impression to your neighbours?" Jacob asked hiding a smile in between his words.
"Sooner or later they would have discover it anyway," he said. "and I'm not some Meth addict, I like to smoke some weed sometimes"
William was one of those men who did not get old, but matured like a fruit: his blond slicked back hair did not get grey before his forties and the wrinkles made him even more attractive; he always had plenty of girls trying to get him for his charm, but the only one who actually did was Monica. Not only she was a good looking woman, but she was also very smart, even more than some people who did go to college.
"You don't drink?" Kelly asked Monica, with a red wine in her hand, ready to fill up her glass.
"Last week I discovered I was pregnant too," she smiled. "I'm in the fourth month"
"Really? Why didn't you say it, congratulations you guys" Kelly smiled forgetting to pour the wine. "It's a boy or a girl?"
Henry noticed her wife distracting herself and poured the red liquid for her, while she was tempted in listening to her talk about her child. "It's a boy too, but we haven't agreed on a name yet" Monica said.
The night went on talking about baby names, everybody's life and funny stories of the neighborhood.
From that night, the Notts had found new friends next door, they wouldn't have expected to meet new people on the very first day they arrived.
Later the same year the three remaining women got pregnant and created a second generation of their friend group.
Only Grace did not get pregnant again, but the first two babies were too far of age from the other two and the older kids to be part of their group, but mostly Monica's, which arrived when her first child had already turned nineteen.

During middle school, the five trouble makers realised that names were not particularly important on a daily basis, therefore they could have used silly nicknames instead of their real names; from a single event or a characteristic of the person, they chose a name. The eldest of all was Shell, then there was Skin, Dig, Vani and lastly Goose.
Around that time they also discovered their deep passion for music and slowly they all started picking up instruments to play and in 2015, Dimsun was founded: an alternative rock band, with Shell on bass guitar, Skin on the drums, Dig and Goose on guitars and Vani as the singer.
The initial intent was just to have fun playing together, but with time the passion grew stronger.

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