20. Sea Holds Secrets

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"Havazh." Drogo remarked as the waves brushed over their feet. The sea, oceana agreed. 

*I suppose you have a right to be scared.* Oceana told him. 

*Not scared. scared of nothing.* drogo corrected. 

*Then lets find a boat.* Oceana challenged, drogo turned his cheek. *Exactly.*

*Not scared.* He repeated. 

*There are a lot of unknowns in the ocean. The depts of the sea i'm sure we will never fully uncover whats below. Monsters, sea creatures, you are right to be hesitant... the sea offers an escape.* she added. 

"Havazh is good escape to death.* Drogo told her.  

* I traveled here on a ship.* she reminded him. 

*And you were being sold against your will, if i remember correctly.* Drogo countered keeping an arm around her. 

*True.* She agreed *it was a bad journey, one i assumed would lead to my death but you know what, I met a kind man that tried to help me and then I met your father, he brought me to you and we turned out alright, dont you think?* Oceana questioned kissing him.

*We are perfect.* he agreed holding her close. 

*You ever think about whats beyond?*

*No. No what is out of reach, no point.* Drogo corrected 

*I suppose you are right.* Oceana agreed watching the sun fade over the horizon, she used to live in the water and now she was carted from place to place and rarely got a chance to dip her toes in. She supposed she should be lucky that drogo allowed this. The water on his feet. 

*Oceans are like a giant bath.* Oceana spoke up as the waves got lower with the tide. 

*No.* Drogo corrected simply

*Tis true and when was the last time you had a proper bath?* Oceana pondered. 

*Water... Havazh.... Oceana,* he grumbled pouting down at her. 

*You look like our son when he is about to throw a hissy fit.* Oceana informed him. SHe rose up grabbing his hand, he begrudgingly followed her. *Join me, you will like it, feel refreshed.* she assured. 

*No.* he repeated. 

*Yes* Oceana corrected taking off her clothes, he watched with great intrigue as her dress fell to the sandy shores. *Come,* she summoned. *See how nice the water can be* she purred heading in. He tensed as his feet became covered in water. *I wouldnt let anything happen to you.* she reminded him. *Come, trust me.*

*He let that whore change him.*

Jorah listened to the men complain about oceana, how she was changing Drogo, manipulating him, that she would leave and take their khal with her. That she was throwing off the balance of the khalassar. Jorah knew that oceana wasnt manipulating Drogo, she loved him, he saw it and so did most even if they were too chicken to admit it. Jorah couldnt sit by while his friend was belittled by her own people.

*Maybe he has changed.* Jorah agreed. *Maybe she is showing him how to be a better man. A better leader.*

*Fuck off Andals.*

*He is exploring the waters, maybe she has showed him its not so dangerous but can be of use* Jorah suggested. 

*Or she is waiting to drown him like the sea witch that she is.*

*See?* Oceana purred kissing drogo *It's nice.* He sighed heavily resting his head on her shoulder as the waved washed over them. *Lets me wash your hair.* she requested tipping his head back. He felt better getting cleaned up but his feet were still firmly planted on the sandy floor, his toes digging into the ground holding on. Oceana smiled kissing him before dunking herself down under. 

"OCEANA!" He screamed buts he popped up running her hands over her face and pushing her wet hair back. "No!" He demanded. * I thought I lost you.* he nearly sobbed out as he held to her. 

*I'm right here, you are never going to lose me.* Oceana assured. *You and me and San, nothing could tear us apart*

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