Prologue 1

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"Hello, Miss Penny, how are you feeling this beautiful day?" Sharon asks with a genuine smile as she enters after knocking.

"Feeling very grumpy and more than ready to get out of here." Penelope Townsend replies with more than a little grumpiness to her tone.

Sharon tones down her smile. "I wish I could say that the doctor is releasing you soon, but we both know that would be a lie. If I could I would wave a magic wand over your broken hip and heal you immediately."

"I know you would. I have to say you are the nicest of the nurses that work this floor." Penny says glumly. She still can't believe that she fell and broke her hip like she did. Now she'll be stuck in the hospital for some time yet. She wants nothing more than to return home, but the doctor won't sign off on it until she's healed some more, and even then she'll have to be on bed rest at her home for some time. What good is having money if you can't use it to get what you want?

"Oh, before you go," Penny tells the bustling nurse, "I would like for you to sit and talk to me for a bit."

Sharon looks at the elderly woman, although older in years, by no means is she frail. "Alright, let me just finish up." Being on this floor means that you are a private nurse for whichever patient you are assigned. Sharon is thankful that she is permanently assigned to Penelope Townsend of the Townsend Corporation. Although she's one of the wealthiest females in the city or anywhere within the next hundred miles she doesn't act like it.

Almost as if she can feel a trap closing around her, Sharon slowly finishes up and takes a seat next the the older lady.

"I would appreciate it if you would allow me to go into a bit of detail without any interruptions or questions. Once I'm finished you can ask me anything and I'll do my best to answer you.

"First off," Penny takes a manilla envelope from off the nightstand and opens it. She spreads out the papers that she has there. "I don't want you to get offended, but I had you thoroughly investigated before I decided on you. You and all the possible candidates. You are the best one by far and, if you agree to this proposal my grandson will only come out ahead. You are incredibly loyal, compassionate, loving and kind. Things that are found far too little in my socioeconomic circle.

"A little background, my son, Geoffrey Townsend died more than two decades ago. His wife is one of the typical arm candy females that many males of my class choose to marry. Why he chose that snotty biatch is beyond me. But before he could actually divorce the viper he died overseas while on a business trip. He did manage to do two things: first off, he made sure that I would have full access to my grandson at any time. Not like my daughter-in-law cared all that much, she was too busy doing whatever the hell she wanted." 

Penelope looks over at Sharon, "Forgive me my language, I know that it's unseemly to speak so crassly, but she is one to drive you to drink. I did my best to ameliorate her influence with my grandson, Tristan, unfortunately he has taken on some of her worse traits.

"He was seriously dating a miniature or rather younger version of his mother," Penny shivers in disgust before continuing on, "That has come to an end. I think my grandson has had a close escape since I believe he was getting ready to ask her to marry him.

"You see, although him breaking up with that female was the best thing that could happen to him, it could also ruin him." Penny takes a break and pulls another envelope out. Before opening this one she takes a drink of water.

Sighing she pulls out the rather lengthy papers. Lengthy and several stapled together. "The second thing my son managed to do. My son's will. My grandson was given a copy and I specifically told him to read it through thoroughly."

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