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"Okay, now that we're here and seated why don't you continue your tale of woe about why my so called brothers have ignored me for the last two plus decades." Sharon says as she peruses the menu before her. She had heard good things about this restaurant, but has never been there. She happens to know that Tristan loves to bring females here before taking them back to a room he  rents. She snickers to herself as she remembers the last couple of hours.

"Can we please order first? I would rather not have the wait staff hear any of this. It isn't very complementary to the family." Darrin asks her in a pained tone of voice.

This brings her attention from the menu to her erstwhile brother. Seeing how uncomfortable he is she nods, "Sure a few minutes won't make that much of a difference to me."

Darrin wishes he knew what she meant by that but feared he knew exactly what she meant. He just hopes that he'll be able to get her to change her mind.

"What do you recommend?" Sharon asks putting down her menu.

"You would trust my taste?" Darrin asks more than a little incredulous at that.

"No, but I would like to take your opinion in consideration."

"Ah, of course. I've always found any of the seafood dishes to be excellent, I would recommend you stay away from the sushi, it's etable but not very good."

"You just said that all the seafood dishes are excellent." Sharon says in amusement.

Darrin actually blushes. "I misspoke. All their seafood dishes other than the sushi are excellent. If you want sushi there is a far better place to buy that, but it's not nearly as private as this place."

"Nah, I'm just messing with you. I don't much care for sushi, but maybe it's because I've only eaten the cheaper options. One day perhaps you'll take me to this better sushi place."

Sharon's off hand remark gives Darrin hope that she'll allow them time to get to know her at least. "I would like that. Just let me know when you would like to go with me."

Shortly the waiter comes and takes their order. "Okay, before you get into any of the other shit, how is it that you say you all want to meet me, yet you are the only one to do so. And why today of all days?"

"Would you be willing to meet the others? We didn't want to overwhelm you or alarm you by all descending on you en masse. We actually drew numbers to see who would be the one to approach you and if you were receptive then that person would ask if you would be willing to meet the others. We are all anxious to meet you. The others were very upset when I won the right to approach you first."

"Uh, huh, sure, I would love to meet them. Not sure that they will feel the same once they meet me."

Darrin gives her a delighted smile. "Oh, I don't know. They'll love how you dealt with your recently divorced ex. If you are willing they can easily join us."

"They are that close?" Sharon doesn't know if she should be upset or thrilled about that.

"Just waiting anxiously for me to let them know you are willing to meet them." Darrin tries not to hold his breath as he waits for Sharon's response.

"Sure, I mean, I guess it won't hurt for them to join us. It will just make it easier for me to share the displeasure all the way round." Sharon says and doesn't miss the wince Darrin gives at her words.

Darrin stands up so that all the restaurant can see him and motions for the unknown brothers to join them. 

Sharon takes a curious look around and notices three rather tall men that look a bit like Darrin stand up and nervously straightens their clothes before coming towards them. They are all several years older than her but she knows they are around forty since Darrin is the oldest and he's forty or a little older.

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