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"The cars will be delivered tomorrow, until then, would you be willing to stay with us at the family estate?" Darrin dares to ask her. He holds his breath as he waits for her answer.

"You want me in the family home?" Sharon is more than a little incredulous at that.

"Of course we do. I would also like to introduce you to Max if you come." Darrin turns a bit pink at that admission. This of course grabs Sharon's attention. She thinks it over before answering, "Alright, but we still have to return Tristan's card to him. I don't want him saying that I kept it overly long." 

The brothers all scoff at this. "That won't be a problem, his estate is less than two miles from us. We can easily stop there on the way to our home." Michael softly assures her. "But would you like to go to your home and get some clothes for a stay? We'd really like to have you stay for an extended time if you would be willing."

Sharon smiles at her soft spoken brother before turning to the others, "Is that something you all agree with? I won't go if I'm not wanted by all."

"I already gave the invite, I most definitely would like for you to come and so would Max." Darrin assures her.

"Absolutely," Josh says and smiles at her. He loves being around his little sister.

"I would like it very much if you would come and see our world. We just hope it won't scare you away." Z tells her and squeezes her hand.

"I'm sure it won't scare me away. After all you saw what I suffered for the last three years."

"That's why we are afraid you'll be scared away." Michael tells her and the others nod at his softly spoken words. "Some of our servants are friends with the Townsend servants."

Sharon stiffens at his words and it's Z's turn to gently squeeze her hand. "If they treat you anything like those other servants did then they'll be out of a job and black balled. They won't be able to find work anywhere nearby." His voice is angry at the mere thought of any of their servants treating Sharon that way.

Sharon is shaking at the thought of meeting up with others that would act like those other servants and it takes Z pulling her into his arms to reassure her. "I'll give it a go." Sharon tells them quietly.

Darrin nods and let's the driver know to swing past her apartment so she can pack some clothes.

"How much should I pack?" Sharon asks as she gets out of the car.

"That will be up to you. If it was up to us, everything, since we want you to stay with us. But we know you aren't ready for that yet, so what you'll be comfortable with." Darrin tells her as he goes with her into the building. "The building is in far better shape than I expected." Darrin mutters as they go to the elevator.

"Well I do like having a decent place to live." Sharon replies dryly.

"No offense meant, Sharon, it's just this building is old and not in the best part of the city."

"I've made upgrades since I was given the building. People are happier and feel much safer now." Sharon tells him as they come up to her door.

Sharon doesn't waste much time once she enters her place. In less than twenty minutes she has two of her suitcases filled and ready to go. Coming into the living room she finds Darrin studying the photos of their mother and Shaun. "You know, most of my memories of mother were of her being sad or hiding all her emotions. Seeing her smiling and happy makes me happy that she left when she did. It was only a matter of time before she did, she was terribly unhappy in the marriage, father cheated on her constantly and didn't care if she knew or not. I think it was a great shock to his system when she chose leaving over staying in that abusive atmosphere. We already didn't like our father very much, but after that we hated him. I think I hated him the most. If I could have found a way to kill him without going to jail, I would have."

Sharon just stands there with her mouth open and blinks at her oldest brother. "You didn't did you?"

Darrin turns from the photos and looks at her and smirks, "No, I would be the first person the police would investigate. No, we lucked out that his hooker decided to off him while he was on a business trip." At that Darrin smiles brightly and then chuckles, "Who knew his philosophy would be what ultimately killed him?" 

Darrin turns sober before continuing. "We did go to Shaun's funeral. We had to stay in the back and did our best to stay out of sight. We didn't want to, but if word of our coming had gotten back...well, we couldn't risk it at that time. It tore us apart seeing how devastated you were and pissed us the hell off when we noticed that Tristan hadn't even bothered to come." Just the thought of what Tristan was doing during the funeral makes Darrin close to losing control. Sharon deserved so much more than that ass.

Sharon blinks, "You were, why didn't you say something last night?"

"You wouldn't have believed us. It took everything in us to not come closer to you, but you likely don't believe that. Let me get those for you." Darrin says going over to Sharon and taking the two bags from her. They leave the apartment and Darrin talks to her as she locks up and they head to the elevator.

"When we get to the estate we will get the things we saved from our mother and give them to you. You should have them."

Sharon stops from entering the elevator and gives him a hard look, "But don't you and the others want something to remember her by?"

"We each chose something some time ago. We each determined that the rest would go to you if we could ever get the chance to give them to you. You should have received them years ago when mother passed. I am sorry we weren't able to figure a way to get them to you sooner."

"Darrin," Sharon starts to say but stops once the doors open and he exits the elevator leaving her no choice but to follow and those waiting for the elevator don't waste time entering it.

"Darrin, you and the others did the best you could. It wasn't your fault our sperm donor was like he was."

"You mean a spiteful, mean and conniving bastard?" Joshua says opening the car door and moving so she could enter.

"Yes, that's what I mean exactly." Sharon says before sliding into the car.

"Doesn't change the fact we weren't there for you, for mother or Shaun." Darrin says but she could here his anguish.

"Darrin, you did far more than you should have, all four of you have. You put yourselves and those you help on the line to help me as much as you could. I do understand and accept that. Those programs tell me that you aren't the selfish, prideful, arrogant pig that the sperm donor was and that's the reason why I'm giving you all the chance now."

"It wasn't enough, not near enough." Darrin whispers before an uncomfortable silence descends over them.

"And that's an insult to pigs. Father wasn't even at their level." The soft spoken Michael breaks in. The others look at him in shock, then Sharon starts laughing and before long the others join her.

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