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Sharon Carmichael rushes up the stairs. She knows that she's late and that Tristan will likely look down his nose at her for it, but it truly was unavoidable. At least this time.

She knocks before entering and trying to catch her breath as she does so. She takes a minute to look around and notices a tall distinguished looking man next to Penny. She takes a closer look as she walks closer and manages a small smile and holds out her hand. "Forgive me for being late, but a couple of hours ago there was a true medical emergency and they called me in to work. I've been helping them trying to save a few lives."

Tristan does his best to not sneer at the female before him and refuses to take her hand. Sharon lets it drop and turns to Penny. "Well, I guess this tells me everything I need to know. I truly am sorry for wasting your time and money."

"The least you could have done was be here on time." Tristan snidely says in the coldest tones Sharon has ever heard.

That does it. Sharon has never had much patience with those that think they are better than others just because they have money. She still doesn't know how she rated this floor. She doesn't realize that it's that very attitude and lack of flirting that keeps her there.

Sharon turns to the officious man and lays into him. "I'm sorry that your precious time seems to  be more important than the lives of  a bunch of children, children from YOUR socioeconomic class, by the way, that are fighting for their very lives at this minute. We've already lost two and the two that I worked on are not quite stable and so they too could still easily lose their lives. Not all of us were born with wealth and privilege, not all of us were given high paying jobs in a family owned company. Some of us have had to work our asses off just to find a decent paying job, some of us have had to work our asses off just to survive. My time is just as valuable as yours, I could and should be downstairs with my brother whom I'll shortly be having to take off of life support. You might not have much love for your family, but my brother sacrificed everything, the woman he was going to marry, the college career he loved just to take me in and raise me when my single mother died. I worked my ass off in school along with working a job to help support us and save money for college because my brother insisted that I at least get a college education. Between the two of us I was able to work my way through college and get a double degree in nursing, I am a nurse practitioner as well as having a degree in computer science with a minor in cyber security. This job paid more that's why I went with it.

"I was working to send my brother back to school when some jackass from YOUR socioeconomic class ran a red light, likely drunk or high, and ran into my brother. Then the asshole flees the scene like the damn coward he is and my brother is on life support until I have to pull the plug on the only family I have.

"So, yeah, have a nice life. Hope you enjoy losing those stocks unless you choose another of the nurses on this floor. They would love it if you would." Sharon says and only as she hears the held in snicker does she realize that there are others in the room as well.

Sharon shakes her head and heads to the door. She can't believe that Penny wants her to marry this ass. She would rather remain in medical debt for the rest of her life than deal with him for more than this time.

As she gets to the door she turns to face Tristan once more. "I truly feel sorry for your workers if you treat them like you just treated me. The contempt and disdain  fairly drips from your lips. Your whole attitude screams don't bother me I'm more important than you. News flash, no you are not. One day you will realize that everything you think is important, money, isn't the only thing. Love, loyalty, laughter, those are just as important and those things you can't buy."

It's only as she goes to open the door that she notices the blood stains on her clothes. She hadn't realized that some blood had gotten through the gown she'd been wearing. Shrugging she opens the door to leave.

"Wait, please," Tristan calls out to her. It's the please that stops her and she hides the shock she feels as she turns to face him.

She lifts one eyebrow in query.

"You are right. I have been insufferable to you since you entered."

Sharon looks from Tristan to Penny. "You showed him the will didn't you?"

"Just reminded him of what it says in regard to his birthday." Penny says in such an innocent tone that Sharon narrows her eyes at her.

"Damn, butter wouldn't melt in your mouth. I'd hate to play poker with you."

With that Penny lets out a very not lady-like laugh. "I am considered a decent poker player, but I don't play it seriously enough to be great. Please, come back and sit and we'll talk like decent human beings." That last was directed at her grandson.

"Please, Miss Carmichael, I have behaved badly. Please come back and we'll talk more civilized." Sharon does all she can to hold the snort she feels at his words. The last thing she wants is to offend Tristan Townsend at this point.

"I'm sorry about the nasty blood on my clothes, I hadn't realized some of the blood had gotten through the gown. There hadn't been time for me to change into scrubs before I was needed in the emergency room."

"I'm sure that none of us mind here," Penney says, once more with a pointed look at her grandson.

"Not at all," Tristan finally manages to get out. It had finally filtered through that Sharon had been dealing with life and death and not just screwing them over.

Once Sharon was settled Penny gestured for the other two males to come forward. "This gentleman is my lawyer, Phillip Jessop of Jessop, Jessop and Mackowicz. He's my lawyer and when I told him I would be needing one for you he suggested his nephew, Lawrence Shoemaker. He's young yet, but he does have an impressive list of accomplishments." Lawrence comes forward and offers his hand to shake.

"I think what you do is an amazing thing Miss Carmichael. I would be very flattered if you would accept me as you lawyer for any length of time."

"Thank you, Mister Shoemaker, I will accept you at this time and we'll see about going forward."

"Delightful." Lawrence says with a smile. He hides his attraction to the young woman since she is there to form a contractual marriage with Tristan. He hides his contempt of Tristan far better than Tristan was able to hide his of Sharon.

He wishes that he could stop the young woman from marrying Tristan, but it's none of his business and after her words he doesn't think she'll let him treat her like shit.

"Now that we are all settled, should we get down to business?" Penny asks brightly looking at everyone in the room.

"Please, the sooner we get this done the better." Tristan says not trying to hold back his impatience. He ignores the look his grandmother sends his way.

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