Food shared, is happiness multiplied.

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...Still late, at the same night...

Already working on her newest and perhaps most thrilling mission entrusted to her by the queen, Agatha Danbury was deep in thought.

Sifting through names and cards bearing the faces and most important details of many of single men of the Tons, Lady Danbury searched for anyone suitable for Lady Safa Vega.

The problem is, she barely knows anything about the woman other then what she has heard today when she busted the girl's meeting with the queen, so it's even more difficult to definitively tell which bachelor would suits the spinster by choice.

To Lady Danbury's annoyance, The queen didn't wish to be the one telling on her friend, Charlotte made it clear she relies on Agatha to do all the work herself, so she didn't provide Agatha with details on Safa that would most certainly help the elderly matchmaker, create the perfect match.

In front of her, some names seem somewhat promising although they are few, mostly lords who seem to share either Safa's interest in science, her apparent displease with society, or shamelessly enough, even her physical limitations.

But still, Agatha cannot just shove these men towards Safa just yet, she needs to get to know the girl, earn her trust, convince her that love and marriage is a good thing and then, she could start the matchmaking process, not to mention there is no guarantee these men would even consider a match between them and Lady Vega.

Sighing, "I suppose tomorrow I have a long day of work to look forward to..." She mumbled to herself, ready to retire to bed after a long day of feeling helpless, a feeling she doesn't like to carry around.

...Next morning...

At House Vega, due to their unexpected entrance the night before, Lord James Teaton and his anxiety riddled maid Clara, have spent the night at Safa's estate as the woman didn't have the heart to let them go back home in yesterday late hour or freezing weather.

Perhaps it was how happy Wolfgang has seemed after his talk with James, that made Safa make that decision.

Everyone slept in a separate room, Wolfgang in his basement dungeon, Safa in her room, Clara slept in the room closest to Safa, while James occupied another room away from the ladies.

The group of friends didn't care what people would think, the Vega manor is remote and the nearest neighbor is still too far away to snoop around, no one saw lord Teaton come to the house last night, and Luckily today was a Sunday, As a rule set by Lady Vega, Sunday is a day off to all servants.

So no servants came by the house, only Wolfgang was there because he's the only servant living in the house, and with no expected visitors.

Everyone has agreed they would sleep in for the day, they'll have a meal together whenever they'll wake-up.

And sleep in they did, it was almost afternoon, and a certain servant who only ate Apples last night, woke-up to a grumbling stomach, urging him to start his day and get cooking.

Yawning, Wolfgang lazily threw his sheets away, rising from the bed heavily.

He would love to sleep more but his stomach now is his priority, besides Safa didn't eat much too the day before.

He has to feed his mistress and their two guests.

Suddenly, a smile crept its way onto his face.

Although in separate rooms and seemingly has no interest in the manservant the same way the manservant is interested in the lord, the fact that Lord Teaton is here, asleep in one of the rooms, makes Wolfgang smilish.

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