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"mariko has perfect grades, and she's the captain of the volleyball team" the woman next to her bragged.

the other's around the dinner table all gasped in awe.

"she's such a gifted child isn't she"

"woww, i wish my daughter was like her"

"you sure did raise her right"

the woman smiled at her coworkers accepting all the compliments that went around. "she's very responsible as well, she knows how to take care of herself while i'm working."

"she must get it from you," the man next to her said, "like mother, like daughter."

more compliments went around the table. some about mariko, but most circling back towards her mother.


the teenage girl was in her room, asleep, slouched over the worksheets and text books that was layed out on her desk. she was so deep asleep that she didn't even hear the sound of the boy who walked in her house calling for her.

"oi mariko!" the bedroom door was slammed open, causing the girl to jolt awake. "your bed is right there, and you still sleep on your desk?"

mariko rubbed her eyes in annoyance, "shut up, stop barging into my house like that." she yawned and stood up to walk to the bathroom. once she was right infront of the the boy, she wrapped her arms around his torso and leaned against his body. the boy smiled to himself and returned the hug. her eyes fell closed again as he swayed each other side to side in the doorway.

"you gave me the spare key for a reason. c'mon, captain can't be late to morning practice," he chuckled while running his fingers through her hair. the girl only responded with a hum, burring her face deeper towards his neck and wrapping her arms tighter around him. "mar-"

"mari-chan do you not have any- am i interrupting something," the setter's voice in fact, did interrupt the two.

mariko grumbled and separated from the boy and both turned to see oikawa holding a bowl of dry cereal. "no, i don't have milk, it went bad a few days ago." she walked to the bathroom to get ready, "i'll be down in 15 minutes, don't make a mess trying to cook breakfast."

"aye aye capt'" the setter saluted before heading back downstairs.

the house was usually empty. for many years, every morning, the two boys would come to wake the girl up from her slumber before school. iwaizumi usually did the hard work and dragged her out of bed, while oikawa rummaged through the kitchen for something to eat for breakfast. they neighbors new of the trio friend group and never questioned the boys waltzing into the house, or the random yelling and arguing at 7am.

mariko's mother was always out on business trips, and would only be home for no longer than a week after returning from them. she left her daughter more than enough money for essentials and personal spendings, but it never fulfilled the lack of warmth in the house.


"mariko! let's go to the park!" the young iwaizumi yelled outside the girl's door.

"mari-mari wake up!!" oikawa besides the boy while thowing small pebbles at her bedroom wall.

she tried to ignore the boys, burrying her head under the pillow. she didn't hate them, but it was too early for them to be screaming outside her window. out of frustration, she threw her pillow onto the floor and slammed her window open, "shut up!! just go without me!" she slammed the window back shut and flopped back down on her bed.

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