Chapter twelve

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"Are you alright?" Louis asks, ankles crossed, one over the other, and a frown strewn across his sharp features. "You look a bit out of it, love," His hand finds a comfortable spot residing on top of Harry's thigh. "You don't feel like you're going to have a seizure, do you? Are you ill?" Harry isn't meant to have tonic clonic seizures during the first months after the initial operation, partial seizures and absence seizures are common, especially after having neurosurgeons dig around his brain. Though, he's not meant to have them for a while, even more so since his frequency rate has been allegedly lowered, the thoughts still peak in Louis's mind.

"No. Nerves." Harry mutters, involuntarily tugging the beanie down, further over his ears. Unfortunately, insecurity still ignites his bones. His hair still hasn't grown back as quickly as he would like it to; therefore his grotesque incision scar is still blatantly obvious. It isn't bloody and stitched up like an experiment gone wrong, but it still isn't something that Harry would feel comfortable showing off.

"I don't blame you," He pats Harry's thigh. "I'm nervous too. This is our first interview in months. I can hardly believe it, but it's going to be alright."

This is their official coming out interview. It's alright to be nervous and scared of what it will entail, right?

Harry swallows, "Do you - um -" He abruptly stops.

"Keep going sweetheart. Go on."

There's a long pause that follows. He's trying to think of the proper words, but they aren't coming to him easy. His nerves aren't helping with his speech. "Interviewer approve?"

Louis eyes him quietly, trying to determine what Harry is after, "Do I think the interviewer will approve? You mean James? Are you sure your memory is still intact? He knew beforehand, of course he's going to approve, babe," He guesses. Harry makes a noise of agreement. Louis doesn't say anything for quite some time, that is until his curiosity gets the best of him, "Approve of what exactly? Us? You and I? Our love? Who cares babe, frankly, it doesn't matter what happens today. It won't dictate our future together. We define our own future. It's always going to be you and I, no one will ever change that, I need you to understand, okay?"

"Yeah." Harry whispers.

Louis removes his hand from Harry's thigh and positions his fingertips on Harry's jaw. "Also, if any comment or question makes you uncomfortable today, let me know, and I'll put a stop to it. We're not live, they can cut out whatever we choose, don't stress about any of this. I love you Harry. More than anything in this whole world. I would do anything for you. Today is going to be just fine. Believe me." He kisses Harry gently, careful to not force Harry's head to jerk. He presses his hand on the back of Harry's neck to steady his head

The nerve pain has been more controllable, but sometimes it comes out of nowhere. It's rough when Harry's curled into a ball, shaking and crying, and the strongest pain killer doesn't even help dull the pain, Louis will try at all costs to avoid causing Harry pain

That's one of the worst thing Louis experiences by being with Harry, helplessness. There are times when he's unable to help or assist Harry and it kills him. It's like when Harry's seizing, there isn't anything he can do, besides wait the torment out and calm him down when he's a disoriented blubbering mess.

Louis is a person who prefers to take control over situations rather than sit back and allow them to happen, that's part of the reason it's difficult for him. The other reason is he loves Harry, too much at times, and he wants to protect him from all the evil in the world, but he simply can't when Harry's whimpering and withering on the floor.

"I love you." Harry smiles against Louis's lips, passion laced in his slightly boisterous tone. The constant 'I love you's' they exchange thrill Harry. He gets extremely excited to tell Louis he loves him.

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